Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Today we reviewed the long u sound and we reviewed synonyms. In language we worked on using context clues to find the meaning of our vocabulary words. We talked a little bit about the Feast of the Epiphany.
Student reviewed what timelines.
We have begun mid-year Dibels assessments. Most are showing lots of improvement.
In math students took the chapter quiz on kilograms. They also worked on measuring in inches to create a house using a set of measurements.
In science we read about Willie Bentley. He was a scientist who studied and photographed snowflakes.
We looked at different kinds of snowflakes and why they are different. Then students made their own snowflakes. They really enjoyed that activity.

Don't forget student grades will be online at this afternoon.

It will be very cold Thursday and Friday, please remember to have your child wear a sweater or jacket.

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