Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Today in religion we started discussing the Mass. Why we go to Mass, when was the first Mass, what is the Mass celebrating, etc.
Students did get to go to the library.
They completed one more math benchmark. They also completed some ABC order. In addition, they created their own parachutes in science and learned about air resistance.
Students are taking a rather long spelling test in order for them to be ready for next year. They will be getting an individualized spelling list of words they need to be proficient at spelling by the end of the year. Hopefully I will finish those up tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Today students were treated to Mass with Bishop Navares. They all we so well behaved and seemed to really enjoy this visit.
In science students experimented with air pressure and they learned that gases takes up space.
In math students continued to review previous skills.
Students were also able to go to PE.
Remember to bring in white t-shirts for tie dying next week.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Happy Monday! Hope Spring Break was great!
We celebrated St. John XXIII today at Courtyard Prayer. All the prayers and letters are being shipped off after they were blessed by Fr. Pete. Our community has offered up over 100,000 prayers for St. Francis. Bishop Olmsted will be hand delivering some of the letters and other items.
In language arts, students shared their animal reports. We also worked on listening skills and we finished up our poetry packet.
Students were able to watch a video on Van Gogh in art today.
In math students completed the Cumulative Review in their workbooks.
Students were given this week's spelling words early as their is no spelling test tomorrow.

Friday is the Art Walk at 5:30 and the Spring Concert at 6:30. Students should be in the classroom by 6:15 pm.
Don't forget to start bringing your t-shirts to tie dye for field day.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Students have been having excellent behavior in specials. In music, yesterday they earned a Popsicle Party from Mr. Gonzalez for reaching an excellent behavior color. This is the first time all year, they made it to the top. They are also so excited about the songs they are singing for the Spring Concert on May 2.

They have also been earning Richardson Rockstars for excellent and kind behavior during PE. They only need to earn one more and then they will receive a new class ball. Great Job!

In religion we finished up Holy Week and the Resurrection with quizzes.
Don't forget the 2nd grade are Mass leaders tomorrow.
In math we finished up the chapter on time. We will be reviewing for a benchmark on units 10-14 after spring break.
In language we worked in our poetry packet and had the weekly assessment and spelling tests.

Dismissal will be at 11:50 tomorrow. Courtyard Prayer will be at 11:30.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Sorry, I have been having conferences this week so I have not had time to blog.
Today students were exceptional during Mass. The 2nd grade will be the leaders next Wednesday. They will also have Monday morning courtyard prayer and Wednesday morning courtyard prayer.

Remember next Wednesday is a 12:00 dismissal.
Students are working on telling time in math. Most have a good idea and have knowledge about telling time.
In language students worked on finishing up their animal power points. Many were able to add sounds and some fun transitions as well as amazing backgrounds and information. They will be sharing those over the next week. Hopefully, I can post them on the website for all to view. We also worked on more r-controlled vowels and using "a" and "an" in sentences correctly.

Tomorrow students have lots of specials. They will have Spanish, Music and PE. It's going to be a busy day.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


In religion we finished discussing the Last Supper. After lunch, students who did not have a chance to make Reconciliation during Lent did so today, with the exception of those who have not make their first Reconciliation. They seemed to enjoy the experience.
In language students went to the library and we worked on adjectives with nouns and commas in a series of items. They also took the weekly assessments, spelling and dictation tests, and the CLOZE test.
In math students worked on story problems. These were particularly difficult and required multiple steps.