Monday, November 24, 2014


Today went by very fast. Students learned to multiply by 5. They listened to Multiplication Rock, the 5's and the 2's. They also worked on present tense in language, along with looking at a floor plan for fire safety.
Students went to Atrium, those that stayed compared and contrasted pilgrims and Native Americans. They worked in pairs using the ipad to create a Venn diagram using an app. Then they worked on their power points.
Tomorrow is Turkey Tuesday!
Wednesday is a 11:50 dismissal. If a grandparent/grand friend is picking up your child and is not on the blue emergency card, I will need a written note. An email will not be enough. Thank you for your help.
No Homework this week!
Happy Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Students had such fun wearing ties for Principals Day!
They went to Library and had Spanish today, too.
In language, we listened to "Officer Buckle and Gloria". Students are learning how pictures can help tell a story. They reviewed the long U sound and ways to spell long U. In social studies, students finished up the government unit and reviewed the unit vocabulary. In math, students used dot paper to practice the 2's times tables. In religion, we reviewed the Holy Family and what their jobs were in the family.
Happy Thursday! Don't forget Tuesday is Turkey Tuesday! The goal is 40 turkeys for St. Vincent de Paul.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Students were exceptionally well behaved today during Mass.
In math, students worked on story problems and multiplying by 2's.
In language, students worked on the Theme Assessment for Unit 2.
In social studies, those not at Atrium finished reading the chapter on government and they also worked on their powerpoints.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


We are getting to the middle of the 2nd quarter. So today was a day of assessments. Students finished chapter 5 in math so that was assessed today. They also completed the weekly assessments in language: spelling test, dictation, Cloze test, and the reading weekly assessment. In addition, in religion students took a quiz and began to learn about the Holy Family. In social students we reviewed the parts of the government and the process for solving a community problem.
They also earned "Free Time" yesterday for excellent classroom behavior. So today, they were able to have their in-class extra recess. They so needed it after all that assessing!

The food drive started today.

Monday, November 17, 2014


We are back on a regular schedule. Accreditation is done. Students received silver and blue necklaces for such a great accreditation report.  Now we are looking for to Thanksgiving!
In language, we reviewed verbs and singular possessive nouns. We also discussed abbreviations for nouns.
In math, we are finishing up the first section on multiplication and division.
In social studies, we discussed our countries symbols and heroes.
Students began using power point. They also finished using an app on the ipads called Poplite to create the sequence of "Head, Body, Legs".

The Thanksgiving food drive begins tomorrow. Don't forget!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


The Veterans Day ceremony this morning was beautiful. The vets seemed to really enjoy it!
A big shout out to Mr. Spokas, who came and spoke to our class about his time in the Navy. The students thoroughly enjoyed his talk and he patiently answered their questions.
We did manage to get to PE or a short time.
In math, students were introduced to division. We also talked about how division is opposite of multiplication. They were able to connect that they are like addition and subtraction.
In language, we managed to finish up our work and even fit in all the usual weekly assessments.

Another big shout out to Dominic's mom, who came to visit us this afternoon and read us a book about Guatemala and share some items from there.

We also made the room and our desks spic and span for our guests coming tomorrow as Accreditation begins.

Monday, November 10, 2014


We are to a fast start! Students were able to go to Atrium today.
In math, we worked on writing multiplication stories. In language, we are worked on reviewing the unit vocabulary and we listened to the story again to refresh our memories.
In social studies, we began a unit on government and discussed who are our leaders, who makes laws, and who makes sure the laws are fair.
Students are finishing up their saint stories this week.

This Wednesday begins our Accreditation Visit and it ends on Friday. It is a very exciting time and we are so proud to show that we are wonderfully Catholic school.
Friday is Pride Day and buck a jeans.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


I am sending out the spelling words for this week. We ran out of time and I wasn't able to give out the spelling words. Students will put them in their agendas first thing tomorrow morning.
In religion, we read and discussed Advent.
In math, we finished up the chapter review on Bar Models.
In language, students completed the weekly assessments.
In science, we finished up the unit on matter.
Happy Conference Week!