Thursday, October 30, 2014


Today students listened to "Farfallina and Marcel". Then we discussed making inferences. Ask you child which character was the goose and which was the butterfly and how they know it. In phonics, students practiced spelling different ways to spell long i and they also practiced spelling contractions.
In math, we used bar models to compare sets. In religion, we reviewed the different kinds of prayer, ways we can love God and one another, and finally we reviewed what a sin is.

Tomorrow is orange and black accessory day for those who brought in box tops.
Reading logs for October are due on Monday, Nov. 3.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


In language, the focus is on making inferences. In phonics and spelling, the long i sound spelled with "igh, ie, and y" is one focus. We are working on the V-C-e (vowel-consonant-e) pattern for spelling long vowel words, along with learning that there is a vowel before "r-controlled vowels".
In math, we are continuing with bar models. I have noticed an improvement in addition and subtraction regrouping. Nice Job!
In science, students made a Properties of Matter wheel and we finished up liquids. Students also worked on their saint reports.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


We had a great day! In math, students are learning to make bar models, which are a strategy like number bonds. Students are learning when to add and when to subtract in story problems. They are practicing addition and subtraction regrouping. This will continue the whole year.
In language, students took the weekly assessments. They also wrote a final draft for their "How to Make..." stories. They will finish up their saint stories hopefully this week.
In religion, we are discussing the Two Great Commandments Jesus gave us. We also discussed what a mortal sin is and what a venial sin is. We discussed what 3 things need to be present to sin. 1. It must be serious. 2. You must know it is wrong. 3. You do it anyway.
In science, we discussed that when matter is heated it can change. We also played a Matter Jeopardy game which reviewed what we have studied so far. It also included some new vocabulary.

Don't forget Friday is Orange and Black accessory day if you brought in box tops.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Students spent the day sharing their book talks. The book talks are excellent and so were the presentations. I was able to record them and am working on the best way to share them.
Students also completed the chapter 4 math assessment.
Tomorrow we will finish up the book talks and start bar models in math.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


The sign up genius for fall parent conferences was sent out. If you did not receive the invitation to sign up, please let me know.
In math, students completed the chapter review on subtraction with regrouping. They will take the assessment tomorrow, along with the math Dibels assessment.
In language, students completed the weekly assessment, spelling test and CLOZE test. In spelling, we reviewed plural nouns and irregular plural nouns.
In religion, students worked on making their own Ten Commandments tablet.
They were able to have art and PE today.
Don't forget Friday is the Harvest Festival.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Students learned a new chant to help remember when to regroup. Thank you Pinterest and Ms. Deye for sharing. Students can practice this at home.
In reading, students worked on writing an autumn poem and a"How to ..." story. They are writing how to make something. We also worked on consonant and we talked about homophones.
In religion we are finishing up the chapter on Obeying God the Father and how Noah, Abraham, and David obeyed God even when it was difficult.
Tomorrow is buck a jeans day.

Book Orders

I will be putting in the Oct. book orders this Friday, the 17th. Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


We changed seats today. Hurray! We also went to Mass, did some major regrouping in math. More practice in regrouping would be helpful.
We talked about story sequencing. Students went to Atrium. those that stayed used the ipads to practice opposites and read in small groups about tigers or eagles.
We also watched part of a movie on Matter. Whew! What a busy day!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Today went by very fast. Students worked in regrouping in math. They can use more practice regrouping from tens to hundreds. Most are forgetting to cross out or they are subtracting from bottom to top.
In reading we began a new story, A Harbor Seal Grows Up. The new concept is story sequencing.
Students also, wrote a final draft for their All About Me personal narratives.
In addition, they worked on some Columbus materials.
Students also took their spelling and CLOZE test today. They have their new spelling words for the week.

How I spent last Friday

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


There is language homework tonight, I did remember to pass it out.
In math, students used base ten blocks to regroup in tens and hundreds.
In language, students began taking the Unit Theme Assessment. They will finish tomorrow.
They also worked in centers while I read with students. They did an excellent job. They also had Atrium. Those that stayed with me practiced some peer editing. We also began a science unit on Matter: Solids, Liquids, and Gases. They described some properties of some solid objects.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


OOPS!! We so busy doing spelling, I forgot to give out the math homework. Students can do a little extra tonight and work on their book talks.

Monday, October 6, 2014


Today students had their vision and hearing checked. We also worked on commas with more than three nouns. Students also worked on combining sentences to make shorter ones and not repeat words. In addition, they completed their Eric Carle collages and the paragraphs to go with them. They will be writing them in the Book Writer app. During Atrium time students that stayed back worked on peer editing and they also did some science.
In math, students corrected math pages and practiced regrouping on another page.

I sent home "Book Talk" directions. Your child should only pick 1 project, not one from each section.
Also, the book they choose should be appropriate for them and not too easy or one they have already read.

I also sent home a list of spelling words your child needs to know how to spell in their daily writing by the end of the year. These words will show up on spelling tests and the dictation sentences. The frequently misspelled words will probably be repeated as spelling words throughout the year.

I also sent home Scholastic book order forms and a coupon for a free book with purchase. Book Orders will be due on Oct. 17.

Remember no school this Friday, the 10 or next Monday, the 13.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Today students read, "The Tiny Seed" by Eric Carle. We discussed facts and drawing conclusions from facts. Most finished their personal narrative rough draft. They were also able to use the netbooks to explore the "The Tiny Seed" activities in the Treasures website.
In math, students began regrouping in subtraction.
In religion, we talked a little about the Liturgical Calendar and about Our Lady of the Rosary, who we pray to in October.
In social studies, students took the end of the unit assessment.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


This has been a busy week. Mrs. Ingle, Ms. Deye, and I will be presenters at the Diocesan In-service on Oct. 10th. We have been working on this most of last week and this week, so blogging was put on hold. But I'm back.
Students went to Mass today. During Mass, the teachers read aloud and signed the Profession of Faith.
After Mass, students worked on long and short U, along with reviewing long O. They also reviewed contractions and vocabulary. In writing, they are working on a personal narrative.
In math, students used base ten blocks for grouping in subtraction.
In social studies, we are finishing up the unit on communities.