Thursday, September 27, 2012


We finished all of the IOWA testing today. We can get back to a regular schedule tomorrow. The testing took a chunk of the morning. Students had a great time during music. We worked on subjects and predicates in grammar.
In math we began adding 2 digit numbers and lining up numbers in vertical equations. Students are also learning the different names for number sentences, for example algorithms, equations, and number sentences.
We also had a fire drill today after lunch. Students went to PE and we had a parent reader.
If you sign up to be a parent reader, you may pick a book out with your child and bring it in the day you are signed up to read. That's it. It's easy and fun. Students love to hear other voices read to them.
I will not be sending home math workbooks home this week as we have done very much in them because of testing.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Students were exceptionally well behaved during Mass today. Their voices were angelic. We were also able to go to Adoration this afternoon. We weren't able to go yesterday so we went today.
In math were finished up chapter 2 on 2-digit addition and mental math. Students practiced using manipulatives for problem solving.
In social studies were finished our foldable book on Communities. Tomorrow we will finish our first soical studies. Then we will begin a science unit on the respiratory system. This will be followed by the skeletal system and circulatory system.
In language students are working on writing a personal narrative about themselves and on a persuasive argument about what playground equipment they would like to have on the new playground. The created word webs for each tomorrow they will write rough drafts.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wellness Policy and Treats policy

This year we are adhering to the State Health Department Wellness Policy

Birthday snacks must not be cupcakes, cookies, cakes, sweets nor sent home at the end of the day with students. Some parents are making mini gift bags (non-food) or bringing in stickers, pencils, etc. as non-food celebrations.
All  snacks and food brought into the classroom and given to students, whether it be a birthday or classroom celebration, must be store bought and packaged with an ingredient label.  This ingredient label is essential not only for wellness purposes but if in the event a child has an unknown food allergy, it is vital information to ascertain what ingredient caused the allergic reaction.

Hope this clears up any confusion.

Monday, September 24, 2012


Today we began ITBS testing. This standards for Iowa Test of Basic Skills. Students did an excellent job filling in the bubbles. Today we completed the reading and phonics sections. Tomorrow will be working on listening and language skills.
Students went to the library today. We also worked on some dictionary skills and a rhyming poem.
In math we worked on story problems and completed a subtraction time test.
Remember students should go to bed early and eat a good breakfast for testing tomorrow.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


In religion we talked about Guardian Angels and Archangels. I just figured out that the religion workbook has perforated pages, so students have brought home pages from the beginning of the year. They also brought home the Guardian Angel Prayer to be said in the morning and the St. Michael the Archangel Prayer to be said at bedtime. They need to learn these prayers, so practice is good. We say the Guardian Angel Prayer at the end of everyday.
In language we focused on main idea and details using the story "Meet Rosina". Students used a graphic organizer to figure out the main idea and details of the story. We also worked on the "th" sound and "wh" along with short and long I.
We also started a practice test to prepare the students for the IOWA tests that begin on Monday. These tests will be given the first hour of the morning everyday next week. Students should get a good night's sleep and eat a good breakfast.
In math we are beginning to work on solving equations using mental math. For example, 43 + 41=
Add 3+1= 4, hold that number, then add 4tens + 4tens=8 tens. So the answer is 84. Students seem to get the idea and we will be practicing this a lot.

Buck a jeans rules

PRIDE DAY: The school calendar indicates PRIDE Days.  On PRIDE days, students are allowed to wear jeans with any Blessed Pope John XXIII spirit t-shirt.  Jeans worn must be in good condition with no holes or frayed edges; no cut-offs are allowed, nor jeans skirts or jean shorts; however, girls may wear jean capris. Only traditional blue jeans may be worn.  Students donate $1.00 to wear their jeans on this day.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Students were so well-behaved during Mass today. All of the 2nd grade teachers were so proud of them.
In reading we began a new story called, "Meet Rosina". Today we read "A Special Camp". These stories are about how deaf children are not much different than we are. This led to a great discussion about how God made each of us different and we all have different abilities, talents and likes.
We also worked on Long I sound and we reviewed the "ou" and "ow" sounds in out and flower.
We also are reviewing main idea and detail. Students wrote their final drafts on firefighters.
In math we reviewed subtraction and talked about different ways to say an equation. For example,
5 is 4 less than 9.
9 is 4 more than 5
4 less than 9 is 5
4 more than 5 is 9
In social studies we talked about different kinds of communities: City, Suburb and Rural.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


     Today we held a class meeting during religion time. I read the class the story  We Are Alike We Are Different. We discussed that we are all different and special to God. We also talked about how the way say something can be as hurtful as the actual words used. We also talked about saying something to someone  that may not be hurtful to everyone, but is hurtful to some. We talked about thinking before speaking and remembering what we say can hurt feelings.
     In language students took the weekly assessment. The new spelling words are on the website and in the student agendas. Students also took their spelling tests and we finished up with rough drafts about  firefighters.
     In math students worked on number bonds and fact families in their workbooks. Workbooks will be coming home this weekend for parents to review. Feel free to make corrections with your child if they have not already done so in the workbook.
     In social studies we worked in our "Communities" foldable book. Students wrote definitions in it and created a picture of a community.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Today we read about Adam and Eve in religion. We read that they were given special grace, I explained that we still receive that special grace when we receive the sacraments.
In language students wrote a short "research paper" on firefighters using information they found on the Treasures website and the story they read. They each put 5 facts on 5 cards and included them in their reports. They also worked on parts of a book.
In math we started addition using number bonds and fact families. We will review this tomorrow.
Friday is a buck a jeans day.
IOWA test begin next Monday.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


In religion students wrote a thank letter to God thanking Him for His creations. Students also completed and acrostic poem using the letters in C-r-e-a-t-i-o-n. They are very cute.
I did give the first math unit test first thing this morning. They seemed to do pretty good. Thank you for practicing on It seemed to help.
In language students completed work on main idea and details. This is a pretty hard concept. We also worked on the V-C-e pattern, along with compound words.
We had a very busy day of learning. I will not be at school tomorrow. There will be a sub.
Have a great evening.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Today Father Pete talked about how we are made in God's image in his homily. This works right into our religion unit on Creation and how God made everything for us and He made us.
In reading we started a new story about firefighters. We used the computers to go on the Treasures website and find information about firefighters and what they do. Students wrote three sentences on index cards and they will be turning these into a short research paper on firefighters. Students did an excellent job navigating the netbooks. We will use them again soon.
In math we worked on the unit review in the textbook and in the workbook. Tomorrow is the Unit 1 test.
Friday, Sept 21 will be a buck-a-jeans day. Students may pay $1.00 and wear a pair of jeans with their PRIDE shirt or their PRIDE jersey if they have one. Or they can not pay the money and wear their uniform with their PRIDE shirt.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


God Bless America on Patriots Day.
Today the school had a prayer service in honor of Sept 11. We had the service on the intercom since it was raining. The class was very reverent.
In language students took their spelling and dictation tests. They also completed the Weekly Assessments. The new spelling words are in their agendas. If students forget their journals on Tuesdays they will write the new words on handwriting on they will be in their home folders.
In math I sent home a "Study Guide" with IXL concepts for students to practice before the Unit 1 test on Thursday. If your child seems to grasp the concept, feel free to only practice a few and move onto a concept that is more difficult.  We did work on counting by 1's, 10's and 100's using mental math. It is hard. We will practice this some more tomorrow.
We also we to Adoration for the first time this year. Fr. Pete and Deacon Al were also with us during our Adoration time. I thought the class was very reverent and prayerful. They talked a little bit when we exited but that is to be expected and we will continue to practice being silent as we leave. Next week will be better.
I will be closing book orders for September tomorrow, Wednesday.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Today in religion we continued our discussion on creation and that God is our Creator. The students created pictures of all of God's creation.
In language are worked on inflected verbs, that is verbs with endings. The endings for this week are -ed and -ing. We discussed that -ed is for the past and -ing is for the present.
Students also worked on doubling the final consonant and then adding an ending. Students also reviewed short e,o, and u. Tomorrow is the spelling test.
Students were able to go to the library today. They all checked our books and they should be in their backpacks. Our library time is on Mondays from 10:40-11:10. See you then.
In math students worked on greater than and less than.
The mosaic flower pots the students helped create are beautiful.

2B Mosaic Planter for the Auction Sat. Night

Friday, September 7, 2012


This afternoon there was a beautiful ceremony to bless the new Mary statue in the Courtyard. All the students were so reverent and prayerful.
Students finished up their final drafts of "My First Day of School". They also worked on sentences that are commands and sentences that are exclamations. Students did an excellent job being independent at the various centers around the room.
In math we finished up place value and took a quiz. Student workbooks are in their backpacks for parents to review. PLEASE RETURN on Monday or they will not have their workbook to work in.
Have a great weekend.

Math facts

Students are working so hard reviewing their math facts.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


This morning we discussed all of God's creation in religion. This led directly into our reading story called "Mr. Putter and Tabby have Tea". We talked about how the cat was one of God's creatures and that it was a friend to Mr. Putter.
We also worked on the beginning, middle, and end of a story. We also reviewed short vowels and contractions. Students are working on their final copy of their "My First Day of School" stories.
In math we are learning the value of a number.
I will send home math workbooks home tomorrow for you to review.

Scholastic online book order

For returning parents to Scholastic online, I think you need to click on the parents tab, then enter your child's name and change the grade. You can then enter the code I sent home or click find the teacher. If there are still issues please let me know.

Thank You

Thank you for a wonderful Curriculum Night. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
On the Reading Log, please jot down on the day the number of minutes and return it at the end of the month.
If you were not able to attend, please check your child's folder for the Gradelink information for checking your child's grades and for the 2B information packet.
Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. We are getting back into the swing of things here in 2B.
Today we finished up our lesson on the Blessed Trinity.
In language arts we worked on sentences reviewing statements and questions. We also worked on contractions, along with digraphs. Spelling tests were given along with dictation. This test I will count as a practice since we had a long holiday and it is the first one. I will count the dictation as they can't study for that.
Students also took their first Weekly Assessment. This will be sent home. They also finished up work on their "First Day of School" writing. The final draft will be completed tomorrow.
In math we are working on place value to the hundreds.
In social studies we began talking about freedom and Patriots' Day.
I have put a copy of the reading log sent home today. It is a monthly log. Just jot down the number of minutes read each day, then add up the week's minutes. Finish up by adding all the minutes read for the month and signing. The first log is due on October 1. Happy Reading.