Thursday, January 29, 2015


Students continue to review what we have learned so far in math.
In language, students finished up research on their landform. Then they wrote a story about Flat Stanley visiting their landform. After that, they made a Flat Stanley picture to go with their story. Finally, they will be typing it in the app Bookwriter and we will have a 3 class books about landforms and the continents they are located on. We were really busy today and working hard.

In religion, we are working on forgiveness and that God is the only one who can forgive our sins. The priests are given the power to forgive by God when they become priests. They also made a Reconciliation booklet so they can review before going to Confession.
In science, we talked about different kinds of clouds. They are also to find out if it's going to rain tomorrow. We will use our rain gauge to measure any rain we receive.

Don't forget we have the field trip to see "Flat Stanley" on Monday. We will be back for lunch. It is a morning field trip. Uniforms are to be worn.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Happy Wednesday!
Today we hung our prayers for the nation along the fence. Students went to Mass today.
Students continued to review and remember what they have learned so far this year for the mid-year assessment.
We spent the day listening to the amazing Book Talks. After Atrium, those who made games for their Book Talks were able to play the games in centers. Students had such fun playing the games and listening to the Book Talks. Back to work tomorrow.

Field Day has been postponed due to the high chance for rain this Friday. It will take place on Friday, Feb. 6. 

Monday, January 26, 2015


Happy Catholic Schools Week (CSW)!
Here's what's going on this week:
Monday; Moustache Day
Tuesday: Bubbles during lunch recess
                Teachers loves their students day
Wednesday: Prayers for Our Nation Day: Students will write prayers at school and we will create a prayer chain.
Thursday: Vocations Day- there are some short videos from Fr. Pete and some other priests and deacons.
Friday: FIELD DAY!

Thank you for your patience when picking up your children today. The line will go faster once everyone gets the hang of it.
Today we continued to review for our mid-year assessment and students also took the Math Dibels Assessment.
In language, students are working on some research about different landforms across the world, including North America, South America, and Europe. They were each given a specific landform to find and write 3 facts including the definition of the landform.
Students are also working on mind maps in their writing journals. they will use these maps to write a news story about CSW and add details about the subjects. We are adding to the map each day so by next week there will be alot for them to write about.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Dismissal Time change

Grades Kinder, 1st and 2nd grades will be dismissing at 2:35 on Monday through Thursday and at 12:15 on Fridays for the rest of the year as construction of the new church has begun.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Happy Tuesday

It's good to get back after the long weekend!
Today students took a math assessment on volume. We also are finishing up the first math book and will be on the second one next week. Students began reviewing for the mid-year review assessment. We will continue reviewing before taking the mid-year math assessment.

In language, students complete the weekly assessments. They were also given their spelling words for the week , along with the grids.

In religion, most finished up their pictures of "The Miracles of Jesus". We began discussing forgiveness and that God always loves us and forgives us when we are sorry, just the father in "The Prodigal Son" story told by Jesus.

We moved desks, too! In addition, since students have been so well-behaved and come to school on time, they earned their free time today.

Don't forget your t-shirts! We will be dyeing shirts on Friday morning during PE time from 10:35-11:05. Come and join us, if have safe environment!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Tie Dying

Don't forget to bring in your t-shirts by Tuesday, January 20 for tie dying next week!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Students went to Mass today. A new story was introduced in language. It's called, "Splish, Splash Animals Take a Bath". Students will be comparing and contrasting ways animals get clean. We are working on r-controlled vowels /ar/, and /or/. Students received their second semester reading anthology.
In religion, we are learning about the miracles of Jesus.
In math, we began the new unit on volume.

Monday, January 12, 2015


Happy Monday! Today students worked on the chapter review on mass. They will be assessed tomorrow. Then we will be moving onto volume.
In language, students reviewed the blends /str/, /spr/, /scr/. They also worked on reading a calendar. In addition, they reviewed combining sentences to make them less repetitive. They also worked on end punctuation.
In social studies, one group finished up the workbook pages for the history unit. The other group will complete that on Wednesday. In science, we have begun on short unit on weather.

Book Talk directions were sent home today for the 2nd quarter book talk. It will be due on Tuesday, January 27, 2015.

Friday is Pride Day.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Students were well behaved during Mass today. They also went to library today instead of tomorrow. During math students read scales using grams and kilograms, along with counting by 10 and 1.
In language, students worked on finishing up the projects from yesterday.
Students went to Atrium today and those staying back worked on their American history timelines as we read about the Pilgrims,  about the Revolutionary War, and Independence Day.

Monday, January 5, 2015


Happy New Year! Welcome back!
Today we eased back into the routine. In math, it's time to get back to practicing math facts, including multiplication 5's, 2's, and 10's, on In class, students began a new unit on mass using kilograms, grams, ounces and pounds.
In language, we talked about making new year's resolutions and they wrote their own.
They also wrote a short story about being stuck in a snow globe. This will be a project they will be working on for a couple of days.
In science, I read students a story about Winston Bentley, "Snowflake Bentley". He was famous for studying and photographing all kinds of snowflakes. Then students made paper snowflakes.
Students did go to Atrium. Those that stayed back worked on their American history timelines by adding the Pilgrims and Independence Day.

I did send out sign up geniuses for Art and Atrium. If for some reason you did not receive an invitation, please let me know. I did send it out twice to make sure everyone got at least one.