Thursday, May 30, 2013


Today we discussed how we are all special and we all bring special gifts to the Church as a part of the Church.
Students were busy most of the day coloring their animal for the play. They were able to color them however they wanted. Many are very creative and really show personality.
In math we started time.
I did not give out homework for tonight. It's a NO homework night.
Tomorrow is bring a dollar and wear any color tennis shoes.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


This morning we talked about the Church and who are part of the Church. Students also practiced the Apostles' Creed.
In reading students took the Weekly Assessment and they also took a spelling test. We are done with dictation and close tests for the year.
We also practiced the play.
In math students took a quiz on capacity and we reviewed graphs this afternoon.

The 8th grade Baccalaureate Mass is this afternoon at 5:00 pm. in St. Bernadette's church.

Drive for Oklahoma Tornado victims

Five of our outstanding fifth graders are leading the charge to help the people of Moore, Oklahoma that were affected by this week's tornadoes.  Please bring gently used shoes, shorts and shirts to drop off next Thursday, May 30th and Friday, May 31st.  These items will then be donated to St. Vincent de Paul.  We are also going to raise money for the American Red Cross by having a "Buck-a-Shoe" day this Friday, May 31st.  For just a dollar students can wear any color tennis shoes.  Thank you for your support of our outstanding students and the people of Oklahoma.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Happy Friday! Have a great long weekend! See you all next Tuesday for the last 9 days of school.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Today we discussed Pentecost and that we are now in the season of ordinary time.
In reading we practiced the play and students worked on r-controlled vowels, vocabulary, and using story facts and what you know to make judgments about the story.
Students did have music and PE today.
In math students began a new unit on capacity. They made a gallon man to help them remember what pints, quarts, and cups to make a gallon.

2B will be presenting their play on Friday, June 7, 2013 at 10:45 in our classroom. Student awards will be presented and then students will perform the play for our parents.
Hope everyone can come.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


We had such a very busy day!  Fr. Pete congratulated the 8th graders on their graduation. Students were very well behaved.
In reading students read two stories about different kinds of art. We are also working on making judgments and giving details from the story as reasons for a judgment.
In science students rotated through centers. They were able to navigate the ipads exploring different science apps.Then they explored and drew life cycles of a frog, a butterfly, and a chicken. Finally, students played  interactive games in small groups on habitats, matter, and reading details.
In math we finished up the unit on fractions.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


In religion students took a quick quiz on the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven.
In language arts students took the weekly assessments, spelling, dictation and Close tests. There are still only 12 spelling words, so check the website or your child's agenda.
In maths students looked at fractions as parts of a whole. They practiced putting pictures into groups and then writing a fraction to go with it. This was not so easy for most. They wanted to count all the pictures and then make a fraction. It wasn't necessarily wrong, but not what was asked for.

Students are really making progress with their lines for the play.
Don't forget no school on Monday.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Today we talked about Pentecost Sunday. We also talked about the Ascension of Jesus after 40 days.
In reading we read some poems with rhyming and we talked about onomatopoeia.
In spelling students reviewed plurals, adjectives, and contractions. Students should bring their scripts for Little Red Hen home and back to school everyday as they need to learn their lines at home and we will be practicing everyday.
In math today we looked at fractions as parts of a whole.
In science we looked at different life cycles of frogs, butterflies, a plant, and a chicken.
Congratulations to the 6th grade who collected over 10,000 water bottles for the homeless. Thank you to all who participated.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Today students took a religion quiz on the Mass.
In reading students worked on facts and conclusions. They also practiced reading different graphs including Venn diagrams. They reviewed contractions and punctuation. We also finished up the Dibels benchmark testing for the end of the year.
In math we began a unit on fractions and they took a subtraction time test.
In science, students went on the website and explored all the concepts they learned about throughout the year. It is a fun and safe website for your child to visit.

Don't forget to bring the water bottles for the homeless. The 6th grade has a goal of 10,000 water bottles to donate to St. Vincent de Paul.
Tomorrow is PRIDE day and buck a jeans day. The last one of the year.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Today in religion students reviewed what to think about before and after receiving Holy Communion. They also are working on a review of the Sacraments.
In language arts students did the usual Weekly Assessment, spelling test, and dictation test. They are also working on adjectives, pronoun/verb agreement, and using commas in groups of three or more items.

We also began working on our end of the year play. Students have their scripts to begin learning their lines. They need to bring them to school everyday and practice their lines every night. They will be performing "The Little Red Hen" on the last day of school, so mark your calendars.

In math we finished up money and we have moved onto geometric shapes. Students really do know their 3 dimensional shapes, so we aren't spending much time on it.
In science we are beginning to learn about life cycles in birds, mammals, frogs, and insects.

Don't forget to bring in water bottles for the 6th Grade Faith in Action Project.

Monday, May 13, 2013


Phew! Back to a normal week of school, even if there are only 19 days left. We are still working and learning in 2B.
I did post pictures of games students created for their Book Talks. Students were able to play the games in small groups so everyone got to play a game and those that created the game boards got to use direction skills to explain them. We did listen to all but 2 book talks.

In reading/language students finished up their workbook pages and they also went to the library for the last time this year. All library books are due back next week.

In math we did finish up the money section. Students seemed to have forgotten how to rename and regroup in addition and subtraction and in story problems. Look for lots of practice for the next 3 weeks.

Tomorrow we will move onto geometric shapes, which is a short quick unit. Fractions follows that.
In science we finished up the unit on solids and liquids.

Be sure to send in water bottles. It's now hot and I think having students with their own water bottles cuts down on germs from the drinking fountain.
Friday is the last PRIDE DAY of the year and it's also a buck a jeans.
The 6th grade is having a bottled water drive for the homeless. They hope to get 10,000 bottles of water.
Hope you can help them out!

Book talk game

Students enjoyed sharing and playing their Book Talk games in small groups.

Book talk game

Book talk game

Book talk game

Book talk game

Book talk game

Book talk game

Book talk poster

Thursday, May 9, 2013


In math today we are adding money. Students also corrected work. They are forgetting how to regroup using mental math. We will be practicing this in the coming days.

In reading students took a Unit Assessment and finished up their final multi-paragraph stories. They also worked on the netbooks reseaching a topic of their choice approved by me. Hopefully, they will get to create their own webpage with the information they have gathered before the end of the year.

Tomorrow Book Talks are due!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I am back from my trip to New York with my daughters and from the Diocesan meeting yesterday.
Both were terrific.

The choir at mass today was wonderful. Mr. Gonzalez was out sick and the girls took over the singing and were terrific.
In math today students worked on adding money and making ways that add up to $1.00.
In language arts students worked on the ipads and on the netbooks in centers so everyone got turns on both.

Tomorrow students will go to the library at 10:00. No Music because Mr. Gonzalez is out sick.
PE is moved to Friday so Mrs. Richardson can work with the 6th graders on the President's fitness testing.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Thank you for all the lovely flowers and wonderful gifts. I was so surprised this morning.
We were able to take our flowers and say a short prayer at the Mary grotto this afternoon. The grotto looks beautiful with all the flowers around her.

During language arts students listened to a nonfiction story about the moon. They also were categorizing what can be seen from the earth and what was discovered when the astronauts landed on the moon.
Students also reviewed hard/soft c and g. Students explored on the ipads today.

In math students worked on the difference between writing money using the decimal point and writing money using cents only.
Students made cacti using toothpicks to make the spines.

Don't forget no school this Friday and Monday. I will be out of town tomorrow and at a meeting at the Diocese next Tuesday. Mrs. Keith will be our terrific sub for those two days.