Wednesday, August 27, 2014


In language, students listened to the story,"David's New Friends". Then students discussed the characters and the settings in the story. We also reviewed short vowel words and the story vocabulary.
In math, we finished up the math placement assessment and then played a place value game.
Today was an atrium day.

Gradelink usernames and passwords will be emailed on Friday. It will be available for viewing on Tuesday. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


OOPS! Good news... No spelling test next Tuesday after Labor Day, bad news no spelling words this week. The 2nd grade team decided to wait so we could explain on Curriculum Night. It just happens to be on Wednesday, Sept. 3 from 6-7 with 3 convenient 15 minute sessions to choose from. We even give 5 minutes travel time between sessions!

In math, students worked on counting by 1s, 10s, and 100s using base ten blocks. They practiced by completing pages in their workbooks.
In language, we started our first story by learning vocabulary and looking the words up in the glossary. Students also finished up a reading placement assessment. They also used whiteboards to review the short vowel sounds.
In religion, I read students the story called, "the Sunflower Parable". I also read them the story called, " the Brand New Kid" by Katie Couric. We talked about both stories.

Students went to PE and had Art, along with a fire drill. It was a busy day!

Monday, August 25, 2014


The beginning of the first full week of school was awesome! Students worked on beginning of the year assessments in reading and math. Tomorrow we will begin our first story and students will receive the first spelling words of the year.

The directions for the homework grid which was sent home today is as follows:
One activity should be done nightly. All four activities can be done on the same paper, so we save some trees. Grids may be completed early and turned in. All grids are due on Fridays.

Spelling tests will be given on Tuesdays and new spelling words will be given on that day. You may use either new words or ones from the week before for the grids. Spelling words will be in the agendas and on the website under homework.

There will be additional homework given during the week that will need to be turned in the next day.

A note: I will be out of town this Thursday and Friday for my daughter's wedding. Thank you for understanding.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


The second day of school was great! Students reviewed short a in phonics and practiced writing short a words on the whiteboards. We also discussed characters and setting by reading "The Lion and the Mouse" and "Chrysanthemum". Students also took a  language arts review assessment to see what they remember from last year.
In math, we reviewed different ways to write numbers and number sentences. We reviewed number bonds.
In religion, we talked about God the Father.
Students did have Spanish today.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Important NEWS!!

We are happy to be
NUT free
in 2B 
this year!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Happy Orientation Day! It is wonderful to meet all my new students! I can't wait to begin tomorrow.
Don't forget Friday is Bingo Night from 5:00-7:00 PM.