Friday, October 28, 2011


Conference Week is over. Thank you for the wonderful conferences and for sending us such special children to teach. It is a priviledge and honor to teach your children.

In religion we are discussing Advent already.
In math we finished up the measurement unit and will begin Multiplication on Tuesday.
In science today students made very cute brain hats as a culmination activity for our unit the the human body and its systems.
Have a wonderful long weekend.
See you back on Tuesday.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


A few notes:
*Field trip chaperones for 2B are first come first serve and one trip a year per parent unless there are no volunteers. The first ones who ask are the ones who are chaperones.
*For art class Mrs. Contadino is in charge. You need to contact her and ask if she needs helpers.
*Since we are lucky and have such a small class this year, I am using our aide(s) for classroom help.

We are working on math this week. We just finished up with metric and yards, inches and feet. Tomorrow we will work on weight, kilogram, grams, ounces, and pounds.
In science we are working on the respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems. We will finish these this week.
Happy conferences.

Monday, October 24, 2011


A few reminders:
Picture retakes are tomorrow.
Wednesday - No Enrichment
12:00 dismissal -All week

I wan't able to make the homework packets over the weekend. I will run them today and pass them out tomorrow. Sorry for any inconvience.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday- Reminder field trip tomorrow

Please look for your child's report card today. I have told them it is personal and should be shared with you first.
REMEMBER tomorrow is the field trip. It is also buck-a-jeans and spirit shirt day. Students may wear spirit shirts on the field trip. If they pay the $1.00, they can wear jeans on the trip, too.
REMEMBER to bring a sack lunch, a drink, a hat and wear sunscreen. We are eating lunch at Pioneer Village.
We have enough chaperones. If parents show up and they are not our chaperones, this will count as a field trip and they will not be invited to be a chaperone on any other field trips. So choose wisely.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


In religion today we finished up with the Great Commandments. Students are finishing up their Rosary packets.
In language students finished writing their rough drafts about their favorite sport using lots of voice and lively words. Students also completed the weekly assessment. This was a hard week. Possessives with apostrophes was rather difficult. Good thing it gets revisited later in the year.
In math we finished up renaming using addition and subtraction. Tomorrow we will begin measurement and get caught up by next week.
In science I read the students "The Skeleton Inside You" and then students made a project constructing a paper bone showing how a bone grows and what it inside. It was very fun.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Assignment Sheet for Oct. 17-21

Monday: Reading 10 minutes a day 
Art      Practice math facts
Tuesday: Read 10 minutes a day
Spanish   Practice math facts
 PE       Exercise 5A Math homework-due
Wednesday: Read 10 minutes a day
8:30 Mass   Practice math facts
1:30 Dismissal Flying High homework-due
Thursday: Read 10 minutes a day
Music      Practice math facts
            Soft and Cuddly homework-due
Report cards go home

Friday: Read 10 minutes a day
PE       Practice math facts
          Math p. 19 homework-due
Field trip to Pioneer Village- Bring a sack lunch, hat, water bottle and wear tennis shoes and sunscreen
Coming Up:  Oct. 24-28 Conference Week 12:00 Dismissal
             Oct. 31-No School 
             Nov. 1- 10AM Mass All Saints Day
             Nov. 4- 12:00 Dismissal Fun Run
             Nov. 11- Veteran’s Day 8:15 Flag Ceremony
             Nov. 14-23- 5th Grade Food Drive for Thanksgiving
             Nov. 23- 12:00 dismissal Grandparent Celebration
             Nov. 24-27- No School Happy Thanksgiving
             Nov. 28- 7:45 Blessing of the Wreaths
             Nov. 28- Dec.2 Scholastic Book Fair


Happy Harvest Festival tonight! I will be there for a little while.
For such a big Harvest Festival preparations in the school, our class was awesome. They worked so hard and completed their work on time. Great Job!
In math we are practicing renaming to the hundreds. They all could use the practice. would be a good resource, as well as
In science we learned a little bit about the skeletal system. Students put together a skeleton. Humm, just in time for Halloween. ;)
In religion we discussed making choices and being responsible for our choices.
In language students are writing about their favorite way to get exercise, including sports and dance. They are including lots of voice and using lots of lively words.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Wednesday are so hectic that I find it hard to blog. So I will probably won't on most Wednesdays.
Today was an awesome day. In reading students are continuing to work on making inferences in stories. They are getting really good at this. We also talked about different sayings using the sounds "ou" and "ow" as in down and out; for example, what is down in the dumps, or it's time to get down to business.
The 2nd grade field trip is on Friday, Oct. 21. Students may wear spirit shirts and tennis shoes and they will need a sack lunch and a drink. We will eat lunch Pioneer Village.
In math students renamed all the way hundreds. This was pretty easy for them. We will be finishing this unit next week. Then we will be on to weighing and measuring. Multiplication and division will begin before Christmas vacation.

In science we discussed the circulatory system and how blood flows through our bodies.

Thank you to all who have signed up for conferences through For those who have not there are plenty of times available. This is the link.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Hope you all had a wonderful long weekend. Time for students to get back to work.Today is the end of the 1st quarter. Printed report cards will be sent home next Thursday with your child. Please check the sign up genius link sent home on Friday in the Pope John Newsletter for a time to sign up for conferences that are at the end of October.
In religion we are working on the Great Commandments that Jesus gave us that work with the Ten Commandments.
In reading we are working on contractions, synonyms, and students looked up synonyms in a Thesaurus today with a partner. They also took the Weekly Assessment, the CLOSE test and Dictation assessment.
In math students are practicing renaming using hundreds/tens instead of tens/ones.

Friday, October 7, 2011


What a busy day! This morning was the School wide Rosary for Our Lady of the Rosary.
Then we learned about idioms and possessive pronouns using apostrophes. Then we had our class meeting. It went very well. Students understand personal boundaries along with appropriate and inappropriate behaviors with regards to personal space at Bl. Pope John XXIII. I also explained that for their safety and security they need to keep hands to themselves. I also included the 2B consequences for going into another person's space. Students now have a firm grasp of expectations and consequences.

On a lighter note, we attended Benediction for the first time this year. Students were awesome. When the deacon held the Monstrance and the students saw it, they were silent and very prayerful. They also participated in the singing as best they could. At the end, they even asked if they could go back next month. the adults there commented on how well behaved the class was.
In the afternoon students worked on synonyms and they did some logic centers.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Today we began subtracting with renaming. This is a hard concept so, we will work on it for a while.
All the students have a passed their addition benchmark for the year. They are able to answer 30 addition problems in 90 seconds.
We were able to have computers today. Students experimented with Word. They began writing a friendly letter on the computer. They also enjoyed changing colors, fonts, and letter sizes.
In reading we worked on making inferences in a story. We are also working on synonyms, long I, and fantasy/reality.
In religion students worked on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Today the students completed a benchmark writing assessment. They wrote about a time when they had fun with a friend. This time allowed was 40 minutes. Although I haven't graded them yet, the writing looks pretty impressive.
In religion I read the students a book about the Rosary with all its mysteries. This Friday the school will celebrate Our Lady of the Rosary by saying a school wide rosary this Friday at 8:30. Parents are invited to attend.
In math we have begun to rename using subtraction. Today we used manipulatives and a place valuce chart. Tomorrow will be some more of the same.
In reading we completed the Weekly Assessment, the CLOSE spelling test, and the dictation test. Tomorrow we begin a fanciful story about how animals and insects change from animal babies to adults.
Don't forget to send in your Race for Education labels.
Also, sign ups for parent conferences will be done by each classroom teacher through sign up genius. We are waiting for official beginning and ending times and the late night from the office.