Monday, April 30, 2012


I did post lots of pictures on this blog from Field Day.
Remember Book Talks are due on Wednesday.
Book Orders are due on Thursday, last one of the year.
In religion we discussed Jesus as the Good Shepherd. This went along with Good Shepherd Sunday.
In reading we worked on using what we know and what we learn to make a judgment. We are also reviewing hard C and soft C, along with "r" controlled vowels with "ar". Students are working in center about art, making art, and what senses you use when feeling art.
Tomorrow we will listen to some Book Talks. We had library today so there was no time for Book Talks.
In math we learned about cups, pints, quarts, and gallons. This went perfectly with Mr. Gallon that students worked on last week.
Thank you for all the flowers and butterflies in the potted flowers. Thank you, Mrs. Celestine for lunch. Delicious! Teacher Appreciation Week is so fun!

April 30-May 4, 2012 Weekly Assignment Sheet


Monday: Reading 10 minutes a day 
Art       Practice math facts
Tuesday: Read 10 minutes a day
Spanish   Practice math facts
PE        Sentence Picture Match homework-due
Wednesday:     Read 10 minutes a day
1:30 Dismissal   Practice math facts
                   Mental math homework-due
Book Talks Due
Thursday:     Read 10 minutes a day
 Music         Practice math facts
Computers     Where is the Answer? homework-due
Book Orders Due
Friday: Read 10 minutes a day
         Practice math facts
         Story Problems homework due
12:00 Dismissal
Coming Up:  May 9-Spring Concert and Art Walk 6:30 pm
             May 18- Pride Day Buck-a-jeans

Thursday, April 26, 2012


The Poetry Contest Entries are due tomorrow.
We are finishing up the poetry packet we started last week. We started a new story, along with reviewing capitals and periods. Any capitals in the wrong places are now marked wrong, along with backwards letters in all of the daily work and assessments.
In math students worked on making a "Mr. Gallon", which helps students practice the equivalents, like quarts in a gallon, pints in a quart, cups in a pint. They enjoyed creating these and they came out very cute.
In computers students explored the Treasures website working on vocabulary, spelling and comprehension, as well as learning some science related links.
Don't forget Book Talks are due on Wednesday. There are some who have already turned theirs in! Great planning.
Book Orders are due next Thursday.

Field Day- What to bring and wear

  • Students need to wear their Tie-Dyed Team shirts.
  • All K-3 students will be allowed to wear athletic shorts to school that day. Soffes (tight shorts) are not permitted. 
  • Wear regular school tennis shoes.
  • Students in 4-8 grades should wear their P.E. shorts to school.
  • Sneakers, hats, sunglasses and Wear SUNSCREEN!!!! It will be hot and sunny!
  • Students need to bring a cold water bottle! Water stations will be set up throughout the campus.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Weekly Assignment Sheet

Week of __April 23-27 _____________________________________________________________

Monday: Reading 10 minutes a day 
Art       Practice math facts
Tuesday: Read 10 minutes a day
Spanish   Practice math facts
PE        Dictionary homework-due
Wednesday:     Read 10 minutes a day
1:30 Dismissal   Practice math facts
                   Fraction homework-due

Thursday:     Read 10 minutes a day
 Music         Practice math facts
Computers     Acrostic Poem homework-due
Friday: Read 10 minutes a day
         Practice math facts
         Saving energy checklist homework-due
Poetry Contest deadline
Field Day-Remember to bring a water bottle with you name on it, wear sunscreen, shorts, tennis shoes, and a hat with you name on it.
Coming Up:  May 2- Book Talks Due
            May 3- Book orders-Due            May 4- 12:00 Dismissal
            May 9-Spring Concert and Art Walk 6:30 pm
            May 12 Fashion Show 11:30AM
            May 18- Pride Day Buck-a-jeans


Today we discussed the 5 steps for a good Confession in religion, along with reviewing some vocabulary.
In language arts students wrote a rough draft of their autobiographies. We also worked in our poetry packet and discussed similes and onomatopoeia. Students worked on a graphic organizer about adding facts to form a
In science we watched a Magic School bus video on the rain forest in honor of Earth Day. Students also worked in science and math centers in the afternoon.
Remember to read your books and get started on your book talks.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Tomorrow is a buck-a-jeans day and PRIDE shirt day.

Thank you to all the parents who helped make our Retreat a big success. Students were engaged and prayerful all day. The centers were amazing. Students had an awesome time.

Next, Friday, April 27th is Field Day. T-shirts should be coming home in a day or two.
Friday, May 4 is a 12:00 Dismissal.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Welcome Back!
We hit the road running today. In religion we reviewed the Sacrament of Penance.
In language arts we began a poetry unit. We read some of Shel Silverstein's poetry and we began a poetry packet by reviewing rhyming words. We also began a new story called Stirring Up Memories. it is a biography about the author. Student's will be doing lots of writing over the next couple of weeks. They will write their own biography, autobiography and their own poems. They are free to write their own poems for the Poetry Contest.
I did send home the forms for that.
In math students are reviewing time, fractions, addition and subtraction.
I also sent home the Book Talk information for the 4th quarter Book Talks. They are due on May 2nd.

Tomorrow is the 2nd grade Retreat with the visit to Canaan in the Desert. It will be a lovely warm day so sweaters may not be needed.  Thank you to all the parents for helping and organizing this for our students.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Assignment Sheet for April 16-20, 2012


Monday: Reading 10 minutes a day 
Art       Practice math facts
Library   Tie die shirts during Art class
Tuesday: Read 10 minutes a day
Spanish   Practice math facts
PE        2nd grade Retreat
           Problem Solving homework due
Wednesday:     Read 10 minutes a day
1:30 Dismissal   Practice math facts
                   Long vowel homework -due
Thursday:     Read 10 minutes a day
 Music         Practice math facts
Computers     Plurals homework-due
Friday: Read 10 minutes a day
PE     Practice math facts
        Time Intervals homework-due
        Pride Day- Buck-a-jeans
Coming Up:   April 23-27- Poetry Contest
             April 27- Field Day
             May 4- 12:00 Dismissal
             May 9-Spring Concert and Art Walk 6:30 pm
             May 12 Fashion Show 11:30AM
             May 18- Pride Day Buck-a-jeans


Tomorrow is a regular Wednesday 1:30 dismissal.
Remember to bring your t-shirt in for tie dying when we come back from Spring Break.
We are finishing up the unit in math on time.
We are finishing up our story called "Mice and Beans". The weekly assessment will be given tomorrow.
In social studies we will be finishing up this unit after break.
I will attach the assignment sheet for the week come back from break.
Mass is tomorrow as usual and at 12:45 the school will be praying the Mercy of the Divine Chaplet in the courtyard. We will dismiss from there.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Today we discussed Holy Week and I read them a story telling about all the events of Holy Week.
In reading we discussed fantasy and reality. Students also reviewed the soft "g" sound spelled with "ge", "nge", "dge", "lge, and "rge". They also wrote their own recipe.
In math we worked on days, weeks, months, and years. Along with how much are in what, like how many days in a month, year, and week. How many months in a year,weeks in a year, and days in a year.
In social studies students watched an educational video on economics. It showed what saving money is, spending money is, producers, consumers, goods and services. They are pretty good at defining these terms.

FYI- Casino Night is cancelled.
Don't forget those t-shirts for tie dying after Spring Break!