Monday, September 30, 2013


Today we talked about Original Sin and about how Adam and Eve made bad choices which offended God. We talked about how offended means you hurt someone's feelings. In addition, we discussed how God always loves us even when we offend Him.
In math we worked on regrouping in the tens. Students also went onto the website to practice their math.
In reading students began a powerpoint about themselves. This was a practice and they will begin to find facts about their favorite saint. They will put these on index cards and then use them to create a powerpoint about their saint.
In grammar students practiced nouns and commas.
We did a lot of work on the netbooks today.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


This morning students worked on Math concepts and computation in the ITBS. We will finish tomorrow with social studies and science.
In language arts students wrote their final draft of their letters to someone telling about themselves.
They also listened to the story, "The Tiny Seed" and we discussed some facts they already knew about seeds and plants.
Students went to PE and Music today.
In math students practice regrouping using addition.
In religion we talked about how great the Garden of Eden was for Adam and Eve. We also talked about our Guardian Angels and the Archangels. Students brought home a paper with the Guardian angel prayer and the Prayer to St. Michael. They can say one prayer in the morning and one at night so they learn them. We say the Guardian Angel prayer at the end of the day everyday, but they don't know the Prayer to St. Michael yet.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Today after mass Deacon Al blessed all the 2nd graders and then blessed all the school supplies that were going to schools in need.  This made the 2nd graders feel very special.

Then it was back to ITBS which took most of the rest of the morning.
Our new reading story is called "The Tiny Seed" by Eric Carle. We talked about how Eric Carle uses a lot of tissue paper in his illustrations. So as a class we are going to make our own book about a seed. Each student will write and illustrate their own page.

In math students continue to work on regrouping in addition in the ones place.
In social studies we talked about what a community is, who lives there, and what it looks like.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Today we completed another hour of ITBS testing.
Students were able to go to the library and to PE today. They were also able to get outside for their afternoon recess.
In math students worked with manipulatives as they began to regroup in the ones place.
In language students had their regular weekly assessments: spelling, dictation, CLOZE, weekly assessment.
We completed these in the afternoon to give students a break.
They also began to peer edit some writing.
In social studies we began their My Communities booklet.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Students started taking the ITBS tests today. A big thank you to HSA for providing a test snack to help boost our brain power. We will continue with these each morning over the next week.
There will be a spelling test tomorrow. The only homework this week will be the homework grid.
We forgot to fill in our agendas today, so we will tomorrow and we will include the new spelling words.

In religion we are finishing up the chapter on Creation. In language arts we worked on long o, combining sentences, quotation marks, and vocabulary. Students also wrote a letter to a friend telling about themselves. This is a rough draft and they will edit and revise tomorrow. Then they will write their final draft.

In math we sorted our manipulatives so we have enough for everyone, since they got kind of mixed up. In computers students wrote about their favorite animal in God's Creation. They also learned how to insert a picture and then make it smaller.

Our PE day has changed from Monday to Tuesday at the same time.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


The 2nd grade classes worked tirelessly to sort and count all the school supplies that were collected last week. There sure were a lot of supplies! They will be sharing the totals tomorrow at courtyard prayer.

In reading students listened to "My Name is Yoon". We also discussed making predictions and confirming predictions. They also worked on "surprise spelling words" and practicing how to use "there and their" using context clues.
Students also practiced taking the ITBS by listening to me and filling in bubbles in the ITBS practice booklet. They should be good to go on Monday for testing.  We will be testing starting Monday and we will test the first hour of school. The rest of the day will remain the same. They will still have their spelling test on Tuesday. However, the homework grid will be the only homework next week.

In social studies we began by talking about communities.

Tomorrow is $1.00 for jeans and $1.00 for colored tennis shoes, if you choose. The money as always goes to charity.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Today started with going to mass with our prayer buddies for the first time this year. It was terrific. Everyone was so well behaved and respectful.
We then moved onto our new vocabulary and phonics for the week. We reviewed the -ed suffix. The students are really catching on. We also reviewed surprise words like many, what, and they.
Then we corrected the Mountain Language center activity and The Exercise Express center.
This took a while since it was their first time, but they did an awesome job.
We then moved on with the ITBS practice test to get the students more relaxed with the testing procedures.
After lunch we worked a little more in the practice test booklets.
Then we went to Adoration where all the students double genuflected and prayed prayerfully and quietly.
Wow! After that we worked in addition regrouping to the ones place.

No wonder I'm tired we worked really hard today and were so busy! PHEW!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


This morning students wrote in their religion journals. They created an acrostic poem about God as our Creator. Then they drew a picture of God's creation. Then they picked their favorite of all God's creation and used clay to create it. They brought their clay creations home.

In language students completed the spelling test, dictation, CLOZE test, and Weekly Assessment.
In math they completed some addition and patterning pages.
They finished up their history of technology in transportation unit.
They met their prayer buddies today. They will sit with them at mass tomorrow.

Grades in Gradelink

Tomorrow Progress Reports will be available in Gradelink.
Below is what the letters mean:

M=  Mastering

D=  Developing

E=  Emerging

Mastering and Developing mean an understanding of concepts being taught. Emerging means a student is not quite there yet.

There may not be a grade for social studies yet as we haven't finished the unit yet.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Happy Monday! Today students completed a reflection on the School Supplies Drive. They reflected on what  they did, who they did it for, and why they felt it was important.
In language students wrote a letter to a friend about themselves. They also worked in centers.
In addition they worked on a rhyming poem and practiced some dictionary skills.
In math they are adding without regrouping.
In science students started looking a technology in transportation and how it has changed. I read them a book about the first hot air balloon that carried a pig, a chicken and a goose. It's really cute ask your child about it.

Reminder Friday is PRIDE day and $1.00 jeans day. This Friday is only jeans.

Friday, September 13, 2013


A huge thank you to all the parents who made the 2nd grade School Supplies Drive a huge success.
Our 2nd graders did an amazing job leading Courtyard Prayer. Also, thank you to the week's class photographer, Abigail, who took the Courtyard Prayer pictures.

In math we started addition without regrouping.
In language students worked on predicates and commas between city and state, and in the date.
They also had Spanish and art.

Courtyard prayer

Courtyard Prayer

Opening Prayer

God is good, all the time!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


The 2nd grade Mass leaders did an awesome job today! They all knew what they were supposed to do and they were all great!

Peter Brown, the children's author, came to school and presented to the kinder-2nd graders. He was very entertaining and he really inspired my class to begin writing and illustrating their own books. Some even took out paper and pencils to afternoon recess so they could begin writing their own books. Some are even bringing it home to work on tonight.

Students took the chapter 1 math assessment. Tomorrow we will begin addition without regrouping. I will continue to send home place value homework for practice.

2B was inspired by author Peter Brown's visit to write and illustrate their own books!!

Artfully inspired

Awesome artist

Wonderful writers!

Budding authors

Inspired illustrator Nicholas

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Another wet rainy day! The rain sure came down this afternoon. I think every student had to use the restroom so they could see and experience the pouring rain. Thankfully it stopped just in time for the end of the day dismissal.
In language today students took their first Weekly Assessment and their first CLOSE spelling test, along with a regular spelling test and a dictation test. They also wrote their final draft about their favorite friend.
In religion students took Quiz 2 about the Holy Trinity.
In math student worked on the reviews in their textbook and they worked on pages in their workbooks.

Tomorrow is the 2nd grade Mass. Be sure to have your child here by 8:00 as we will go over to the church so those with parts in the Mass can practice. The school supplies continues on rain or shine.

Peter Brown, a children's author, will be at school tomorrow at 1:00 to give the students in the primary grades a presentation.
Don't forget 2nd grade also has 12:10 Courtyard Prayer on Friday.

Monday, September 9, 2013


What a wet Monday! The 2nd graders did an excellent job with morning Courtyard Prayer. Congratulations!
Students signed up to hold up signs will still hold up signs tomorrow and for the rest of the week.

On Wednesday the 2nd grade class will be the leaders at Mass. Margaret will read the introduction and Carter will be taking up the wine for our class.

In religion we finished up reading about the Blessed Trinity.
In language arts we worked on Table of Contents. Students highlighted the important information and used it to answer the questions. They also completed the weekly fluency and comprehension check. We reviewed short vowels and patterns.
In math we worked on ordered numbers and patterns.
In science we worked in our germs packet. We will be finishing up germs tomorrow.

Friday, September 6, 2013


Yesterday students were busy making amazing School Supplies Drive posters and banners for the 2nd grade drive next week. Today Alexis and Haley helped with our announcement and Winston helped by wearing the crayon costume. They all did an great job! Their pictures have been posted in earlier posts. Be sure to check them out.
If you are signed up for a shift in the mornings next week, the students may wear the costumes and hold up signs. Remember only students with parents may be on the curb holding signs and collecting supplies.

Today in religion we are reviewing the Blessed Trinity.
In grammar students reviewed subject and the greeting and closing of a letter.
In math we worked on comparing numbers, i.e.  greater than and less than.
Students also had Spanish and art today.
Happy Friday!

School Supplies Drive

School Supplies Drive

School Supplies Drive

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


See you tonight for Curriculum Night which runs from 6:00-7:00. There will be 3- 15 minute sessions with a 5 minute transition. You only need to stay for one session. They will be repeated.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Today students took their first religion quiz. I will be sending those home as soon as they are graded. They all did an excellent.
They also took their first spelling test. The new spelling words for this week are in their agendas and on the website. The Homework Grid is too. In language they learned some cute chants for remembering "there" and "their". There also was one with contractions and one for "surprise words", like said, what, was and they.
In math students are reviewing all the different ways to write a number, i.e. standard form (908), word form (nine hundred eight), and expanded form ( 900+8). They are getting the idea.

Help Wanted for the School Supplies Drive

Faith in Action
“We are the hands and feet of Christ”
2nd Grade
School Supplies Drive
September 9-13

The Faith in Action program at Blessed Pope John XXIII is designed to teach students, as they grow, how to be good stewards of all the gifts God has given them.  This is done by:
1)     Helping students see that God has given them many blessings
2)    Teach a gratefulness to God for those blessings
3)    Show that stewardship is a way of life

In age appropriate ways, through different categories of service, each grade level learns about a different need in our community.  Coordinating with Administration and Faculty, parent volunteers are called upon to help set up service projects for the students throughout the year.

This year, your project is “School Supplies Drive”
Within our community and throughout the valley, there are families who are unable to provide what a child needs just to get through a day of school.  There are schools within our diocese which also often fall short on their supplies as well.  That is where our wonderful 2nd grade comes in…they step in to BE the hands and feet of Christ!!

This is a GRADE wide project which is facilitated as a WHOLE 2nd grade

Volunteer Parent Opportunity
Throughout this week, your children will be preparing signs and posters as well as ways to reach out to our students and community to make them aware and remind them of their drive next week.
The children will be allowed, under parent supervision, to be curbside with posters and to collect school supplies from our community.
We will need:
*1 parent volunteer to send out a sign up genius to ALL 2nd grade
*4-6 parent volunteers to be curbside or in the courtyard next week each day from 7:30-8:00 to supervise
*ONLY children whose parents are volunteering will be allowed grace should they run a couple of minutes late getting back into class in the morning of their shift
ONLY the children whose parents sign up for curbside will be allowed outside the gate.  All children are welcome in the courtyard to hold signs and collect

We thank you in advance for your support of our program.  We cannot do it without you and we are so appreciative!!