Monday, October 21, 2013


Today students worked hard on their "I Am Special" power points and most worked on putting their information in a word document and inserting a picture of their saint. These should be done by All Saints Day.
In reading students worked on homophones, proper nouns, story sequencing, and reference materials. It is always surprising and I guess my age is showing when I show them an almanac and most have never seen one before. I also need to explain that we no longer have cards for a card catalog, that it's all on-line. It's good for them to learn about those "old fashioned" things. :)
In math we continued to practice regrouping using tens and ones. Those needing manipulatives are encouraged to use them. I highly encourage the use of manilulatives until students don't need them anymore. It is different for all.
I did send out the link for parent conferences on sign up genius. Please look for it. If you did not receive the link, please email me and I will send it to you.

Friday is the Harvest Festival.

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