Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Day two of testing is over. The students are holding up well and seem to be doing well. In religion,
we are finishing up the chapter on God's creation and how we can show we love Him. In the home folder, there is a page with the "Angel of God" prayer and the "St. Michael the Archangel" prayer. Students can begin saying these prayers. One in the morning and one at nighttime.
In language, students took their spelling tests and weekly assessment. They are learning about commas between the city and state and between the day and the year.
In math, we are finishing up the chapter on addition with regrouping. Some students could still use some IXL practice with addition regrouping. They will take the assessment tomorrow.
This is a calm week for testing. There are not many outside activities.
Students had art class. They also went to PE where they earned a classroom ball for great behavior!! They also earned all their points in Music. Way to go 2B!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed volunteering in Art class today. What a well behaved and talented group! :) Laura (Dominic)