Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Today was pretty busy after a long weekend. Students made beautiful posters for the 2nd grade School Supplies Drive next week. They will also be Mass leaders at the September 10 Mass, all are welcome to attend. The 2nd grade will also be leaders for courtyard prayer on Monday and Friday next week.

Tomorrow night is Curriculum Night for parents. There will be 2 sessions: 6:00-6:25 and 6:30-6:55. I hope all can attend.

More News: The students have challenged the staff at St. John XXIII to the ALS bucket challenge. This will take place if the students can raise $1000.00 on Thursday by participating in "buck-a-tennis shoe" and a buck for accessory day. If students raise the money, staff will complete the challenge at noon on Friday before courtyard prayer.

We reviewed patterns and counting in math. In language, we reviewed ABC order and they received their spelling list, grid, and the code for ordering Scholastic books. I also included some Scholastic book orders.
Students were able to go to PE and they also had art.

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