Tuesday, November 12, 2013


In religion today we talked about loving and obeying God and loving others.
We also discussed that when we choose not to obey God, it is a sin. We also talked about the two kinds of sins: mortal and venial. We also talked about the different kinds of prayer: adoration, thanking, asking for yourself, and praying for others. They worked on samples of each kind of prayer.

In reading we worked on cause and effect. Students also took the spelling test, dictation, CLOZE test, and weekly assessment. We also started on the Donkey/Elephant commercials.

In math students worked on two step story problems, using bar models. These are causing some problems, as students think they know how to do them and when it's time for independent work, they weren't actually paying attention. So, tomorrow they will work on these again.

I will be at the Diocese tomorrow for a Science Common Core Meeting.

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