Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Today Fr. Pat said mass and it was such fun to share the Eucharist with him. The students really enjoy when he visits.
In math students were so great at 5's and 10's in multiplication and division that we were able to finish up the unit on division with remainders a few days early. They caught on so well. Tomorrow starts a new unit on money. Remember that students should be doing IXL nightly.
In reading students worked on story sequencing with first, next, and last. They also worked in phonics writing works with silent letters like gn, kn, mb, and wr. We are also practicing reading faster with less errors to improve oral reading fluency.
Students were able to use the ipads in centers today. They are so good at using these and they are learning so much.
We are continuing to work on possessive pronouns. This is taking a little longer and they are getting more practice.
In science students are working with partners to create and build a tower using a limited amount of solids. They are not able to use tape or glue. I saw some great ideas and great minds thinking and problem solving.

Don't forget to pick out a book and start reading it for Book Talks that are due on May, 10.

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