Monday, April 8, 2013


Happy Monday! It's good to be back.
Today we were able to see the relics of many saints, including a piece of Mary's veil, a piece of Jesus" manger, and a piece of His cross. It is worth coming to St. Bernadette tonight at 7:00 to see the exhibit.
In addition we talked about the season of Easter and how it is 50 days long and ends with Pentecost Sunday.
In reading we began a new story which is a play. We are also working on the /oi/ sound. There is no spelling test this week.
In math students are practicing subtraction using mental math. We are also playing Around the World flashcard game using multiplication facts to 4, subtraction and addition facts.

Students need to bring in a white t-shirt to tie-dye next week. Make sure to label it with your child's name and class. Then put it in a labeled ziploc bag.

Tomorrow is the 2nd grade retreat. A reminder email was sent out this morning with the details.

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