Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Good Afternoon,
There is so much learning going on this time of year. In religion, we have been discussing Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and David. They obeyed God and then people had to wait thousands of year for Jesus to come and be our Savior.
In adoration, students have been taking their religion journals to write their own prayers to God. 
In math, students are continuing to regroup in subtraction. 
In science, we have begun a new unit on matter. 
In language, students are reading anew story called, "The Ugly Vegetable". Students will be drawing conclusions, reviewing double consonants and -ck, and proper nouns.
It's getting that time of year. Look for the Sign Up Genius for the 2B Booth at the Harvest Festival on Oct. 28. I will also send the link in the weekly email next week.
The first quarter closes on October 13. There is no school Oct. 14 & 17.
Parent Conferences will take place the week of Nov. 7-11, along with an 11:50 dismissal all week. 
Don't forget to complete the Parent Survey. 
Parent Survey   The explanation letter is attached. You can find the link there too.
Happy Wednesday!

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