Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Students are being tested on a long list of spelling words to determine which words they need to practice and know how to spell by the end of the year. When they know the words, they will be making flashcards to take home and study.

They also completed the weekly assessments. Students did not do a dictation test today.
In math, students measured in feet. Tomorrow they will measure in inches.
In religion, we reviewed what penance is and how we feel better when we have made up for our sins.
In social studies, students worked on a booklet about some of our nations monuments.

Please don't forget about the 2nd Grade Canvas Tote that needs to be filled with all kinds of goodies for the School Auction on April 16. The Second grade theme is "Second Fiddle". The link is below if you would like to sign up.  http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090948a5a72daa8-lasting1

Enrichment classes begin on Tuesday, March 8, registration is this week.
Book Talks are due on March 9.

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