Friday, October 9, 2015

Harvest Fest Preorder Form

*Class sponsored Booths *Games *Prizes *Pumpkin Contest Display*Face Painting *Cake Walk *Photo Booth *Dad’s Dunk Tank *Music and Dancing*Obstacles *Inflatables *Rockwall *Food *Popcorn *Refreshments & more!

Entrance Fee: $20 per Family* (prepaid via FACTS)

Bring your family for dinner; proceeds go towards the 8th Grade Mission Trip!
Proceeds from bottled water and glow sticks goes towards Student Leadership & K-5th grade retreats.

Entrance Fee and Food Preorders
Please return this form to the school BY OCTOBER 20, 2015

Entrance fee: $20 per family (Please include accurate number of people attending as wrist bands will be distributed prior to the event. This will allow for a quicker check-in the night of Harvest.)  
Family Name: ___________________________ Number Attending: __________________
Contact phone: _________________________ Email: ________________________________

Number of pre-ordered pizzas _______  Qty x $10 = $________.  
Bean Burro ______ Qty x $5 = $_______  Beef & Green Chile Burro ______ Qty x $5 = $_______

Total Amount to be Charged to my FACTS Account (on 10-20-15):  $20 + ________= ________
       (Family fee) + (food)

__________________________________                            __________________
      (Signature)                                                               (Date)

*This is a community event for our families and is not intended as a fundraiser for the school. The entrance fee is our best effort to keep up with costs on this popular school wide event.

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