Thursday, May 1, 2014


Happy May Day! During religion today I read students the story of Mary. We talked about some of the different stories about Mary. They also learned that the Immaculate Conception was when Mary was conceived, so she could be born without any original sin. They remembered that the Wedding at Cana was Jesus' first miracle. They also learned learned that Mary was taken to Heaven body and soul and she is Queen of Heaven and Earth.
In reading, we reviewed compound words, along with the "or" sound spelled with or, ore, and oar. They read about African American Inventors and are working on comparing them using Venn diagrams.
In math, we began a new chapter on multiplication. I will be sending home subtraction regrouping homework for the remainder of the year. Many need review and practice regrouping in subtraction. For those who are proficient they can use this as practice.
Students had a great music class as they prepare for the Spring Concert tomorrow night.

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