Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Sorry, I have been having conferences this week so I have not had time to blog.
Today students were exceptional during Mass. The 2nd grade will be the leaders next Wednesday. They will also have Monday morning courtyard prayer and Wednesday morning courtyard prayer.

Remember next Wednesday is a 12:00 dismissal.
Students are working on telling time in math. Most have a good idea and have knowledge about telling time.
In language students worked on finishing up their animal power points. Many were able to add sounds and some fun transitions as well as amazing backgrounds and information. They will be sharing those over the next week. Hopefully, I can post them on the website for all to view. We also worked on more r-controlled vowels and using "a" and "an" in sentences correctly.

Tomorrow students have lots of specials. They will have Spanish, Music and PE. It's going to be a busy day.

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