Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Another wet rainy day! The rain sure came down this afternoon. I think every student had to use the restroom so they could see and experience the pouring rain. Thankfully it stopped just in time for the end of the day dismissal.
In language today students took their first Weekly Assessment and their first CLOSE spelling test, along with a regular spelling test and a dictation test. They also wrote their final draft about their favorite friend.
In religion students took Quiz 2 about the Holy Trinity.
In math student worked on the reviews in their textbook and they worked on pages in their workbooks.

Tomorrow is the 2nd grade Mass. Be sure to have your child here by 8:00 as we will go over to the church so those with parts in the Mass can practice. The school supplies continues on rain or shine.

Peter Brown, a children's author, will be at school tomorrow at 1:00 to give the students in the primary grades a presentation.
Don't forget 2nd grade also has 12:10 Courtyard Prayer on Friday.

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