Tuesday, August 27, 2013


2B is in need of a Faith in Action parent to lead our School Supplies Drive that runs the week of Sept. 9-13. If you are interested, you may let me know or Patti Jasinski. She can also give you any information for being our Faith in Action parent. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Please remember to send in morning snacks even when your child has hot lunch. They hungry by mid morning are in need of a snack.

In religion we talked about how God gave us a soul that is the thinking part of us. Students also worked on some basic catechism questions like: Who is God? Where does God live? Is God everywhere? What is our soul?
In reading students worked on comprehension, dictionary skills, text features like captions, character and setting. We began spelling today. The spelling words are in the homework section of the 2B website and they are in the student agendas.
In math we began by reviewing counting by tens by playing a game like Chutes and Ladders. We also reviewed the different ways of writing numbers.
In science we began a unit on germs, by starting with how germs spread.
Tomorrow is Mass and we will be going to Adoration from about 12:45-1:15.

Thank you  for remembering to send in water bottles. It is so humid that even going on a restroom break leaves many thirsty and the water bottles seem to keep the germs from spreading.

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