Monday, May 13, 2013


Phew! Back to a normal week of school, even if there are only 19 days left. We are still working and learning in 2B.
I did post pictures of games students created for their Book Talks. Students were able to play the games in small groups so everyone got to play a game and those that created the game boards got to use direction skills to explain them. We did listen to all but 2 book talks.

In reading/language students finished up their workbook pages and they also went to the library for the last time this year. All library books are due back next week.

In math we did finish up the money section. Students seemed to have forgotten how to rename and regroup in addition and subtraction and in story problems. Look for lots of practice for the next 3 weeks.

Tomorrow we will move onto geometric shapes, which is a short quick unit. Fractions follows that.
In science we finished up the unit on solids and liquids.

Be sure to send in water bottles. It's now hot and I think having students with their own water bottles cuts down on germs from the drinking fountain.
Friday is the last PRIDE DAY of the year and it's also a buck a jeans.
The 6th grade is having a bottled water drive for the homeless. They hope to get 10,000 bottles of water.
Hope you can help them out!

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