Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Students do have their Assignment Sheets in their yellow folders. Students should practice memorizing their lines for their play. have them bring the scripts back to school daily as we will be practicing in class, too.
Students were a little cranky today. I think many stayed up a little too late watching the fabulous Coyotes beat Nashville. Hopefully tomorrow they will be more rested.
For science today we watched a webinar on water conservation. It was very informative. If your child would like to visit the website called Explore the Blue by Discovery Education: http://exploretheblue.discoveryeducation.com/ . On the website there are some fun family activities that your family may enjoy doing together.
In religion we talked about the Transubstantiation, at the exact moment when the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus.
In language we completed the Weekly Assessment and took the CLOSE test.
In math we finished up the unit on graphs.

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