Monday, February 6, 2012


Today we learned what the Corporal Works of Mercy are. Then we put our faith into action by counting the school supplies that were collected last week. 2C sorted the supplies, we counted them, and 2C graphed them. It was a team effort. There were a ton of supplies collected. Good job 2nd grade!
In math we started learning the 5's times tables. Tomorrow we will be dividing by 5's.
In reading we reviewed contractions and compound words. Students also worked in small groups using stop watches to check their reading fluency.
Students went to the library and had art.
I did attach to the assignment sheet the class list for valentines. If you choose to send in a small treat, please do not send in cupcakes. Maybe a treat on the healthier side would be a great idea.

I also attached a flyer asking for volunteers for the 2nd grade retreat on March 6.

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