Friday, October 7, 2011


What a busy day! This morning was the School wide Rosary for Our Lady of the Rosary.
Then we learned about idioms and possessive pronouns using apostrophes. Then we had our class meeting. It went very well. Students understand personal boundaries along with appropriate and inappropriate behaviors with regards to personal space at Bl. Pope John XXIII. I also explained that for their safety and security they need to keep hands to themselves. I also included the 2B consequences for going into another person's space. Students now have a firm grasp of expectations and consequences.

On a lighter note, we attended Benediction for the first time this year. Students were awesome. When the deacon held the Monstrance and the students saw it, they were silent and very prayerful. They also participated in the singing as best they could. At the end, they even asked if they could go back next month. the adults there commented on how well behaved the class was.
In the afternoon students worked on synonyms and they did some logic centers.
Have a great weekend!

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