Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Today Father Pete talked about how we are made in God's image in his homily. This works right into our religion unit on Creation and how God made everything for us and He made us.
In reading we started a new story about firefighters. We used the computers to go on the Treasures website and find information about firefighters and what they do. Students wrote three sentences on index cards and they will be turning these into a short research paper on firefighters. Students did an excellent job navigating the netbooks. We will use them again soon.
In math we worked on the unit review in the textbook and in the workbook. Tomorrow is the Unit 1 test.
Friday, Sept 21 will be a buck-a-jeans day. Students may pay $1.00 and wear a pair of jeans with their PRIDE shirt or their PRIDE jersey if they have one. Or they can not pay the money and wear their uniform with their PRIDE shirt.

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