Tuesday, September 11, 2012


God Bless America on Patriots Day.
Today the school had a prayer service in honor of Sept 11. We had the service on the intercom since it was raining. The class was very reverent.
In language students took their spelling and dictation tests. They also completed the Weekly Assessments. The new spelling words are in their agendas. If students forget their journals on Tuesdays they will write the new words on handwriting on they will be in their home folders.
In math I sent home a "Study Guide" with IXL concepts for students to practice before the Unit 1 test on Thursday. If your child seems to grasp the concept, feel free to only practice a few and move onto a concept that is more difficult.  We did work on counting by 1's, 10's and 100's using mental math. It is hard. We will practice this some more tomorrow.
We also we to Adoration for the first time this year. Fr. Pete and Deacon Al were also with us during our Adoration time. I thought the class was very reverent and prayerful. They talked a little bit when we exited but that is to be expected and we will continue to practice being silent as we leave. Next week will be better.
I will be closing book orders for September tomorrow, Wednesday.

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