Tuesday, March 17, 2015


I hope everyone had a great long weekend. Coming back on St. Patrick's Day is always so fun. The students were wearing their green accessories.
The server at school has been acting up as a result, I wasn't able to blog last Thursday. But it will be fixed soon.
Since it's Tuesday, the regular weekly assessments were given. Those who brought in their president models early shared them. There were some St. Patrick's Day work thrown in, to liven up the day. In math, we began a new unit on measuring in inches and feet.
Students were treated to a movie about St. Patrick at the end of the day.

Remember Pride Day on Friday and report cards will be available on Thursday.
We have a field trip scheduled for next Tuesday, March 24 to Desert Center @ Pinnacle Peak from about 9:00-12:00. Permission slips and debit slips are due on this Friday. The total amount for the field trip is $6.50.
Happy Tuesday

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