Thursday, September 18, 2014


We were so busy today. Students wrote the final draft about a friend. They also went to the library. Pictures took a long time so they missed Spanish today. In social studies, we talked a little bit about Mexican Independence Day as it was on Sept. 16. They were also able to work on language websites on the netbooks. In the afternoon, students sorted all the school supplies to be taken to different schools in the diocese that have a need. In math, students practiced regrouping in the ones and tens. They used base ten blocks and white boards. They practiced lining up the numbers under each other so they get used to writing them vertically.

Also, I like to have students correct their work at school, even quizzes. If there is a circle, then a "c" that means they corrected their work. I always put a mark on each paper so show it has been seen by me. It can be a star, a stamp, a sticker, a happy face, etc. If there is no mark, please send it back and I will correct it.

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