Monday, August 25, 2014


The beginning of the first full week of school was awesome! Students worked on beginning of the year assessments in reading and math. Tomorrow we will begin our first story and students will receive the first spelling words of the year.

The directions for the homework grid which was sent home today is as follows:
One activity should be done nightly. All four activities can be done on the same paper, so we save some trees. Grids may be completed early and turned in. All grids are due on Fridays.

Spelling tests will be given on Tuesdays and new spelling words will be given on that day. You may use either new words or ones from the week before for the grids. Spelling words will be in the agendas and on the website under homework.

There will be additional homework given during the week that will need to be turned in the next day.

A note: I will be out of town this Thursday and Friday for my daughter's wedding. Thank you for understanding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the explanation, much appreciated!