Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Students did a great job at Mass keeping their worship aides quiet so we could hear Fr. Pete.
After Mass we worked on the new vocabulary to go with our new story. In addition, students worked on the two ways to spell they short u sound with ou and oo as in could and cook. They also worked on r-controlled vowels. They also are almost finished with their winter stories. They are also creating either a picture, a poem, or a writing to enter into the Expressions of Faith contest. Students are expressing how they express their faith and what their faith means to them.
In addition, students are using the online World Book Encyclopedia accessible from the school library website to find information on a wild animal.
In math students are catching on to solving story problems. They did a pretty good job today as they worked in pairs to solve some story problems about measuring in centimeters and meters.

Box Tops contest is back on, so send in those box tops.

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