Thursday, August 22, 2013

The First Full Day of School

What a fun first day back! We celebrated Mass first thing. Students were so well behaved.
After Mass students learned the words "multi-tasking", as they ate their snacks and worked on the letters worm. We also learned about our classroom rules and where items were in the room.
Students also sorted their supplies. We grouped art supplies and I collected pencils, glue sticks, and white glue for community use.

Students completed a math review to see what they remember from 1st grade.
We read You are Special  by Max Lucado and we talked about how great God is and He made all of us to be His special creations. We ended the day discussing how we can be defenders of anyone who cannot defend themselves as Jesus calls us to do. This worked into a review of our bully prevention rules.
They all seemed to have a great day and want to come back tomorrow.

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