Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I am pleased to announce that Emma Valentine has won 1st place for the 2nd grade category in the PBS Kids GO! Writers Contest. This is a statewide writers contest. Her story will be entered in the National PBS Kids GO! Writers Contest. In addition, her story will be posted for viewing at azpbs.org/writingwinners after May 31. Congratulations, Emma!

 Today we continued talking about Jesus as the Good Shepherd in religion.
In language arts we listened to some book talks. These are the best book talks yet! Great Job!
Tomorrow we will take the weekly assessment and the CLOSE test along with the dictation assessment.

Thank you all for the beautiful cookbook and to Mrs. Aister for the delicious lunch. I can't wait to try all those yummy recipes.
Don't forget Friday is a 12:00 dismissal.

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