Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Happy February! Make sure and have your children find out if the groundhog sees it's shadow! Tomorrow is Groundhog's Dat.
Catholic Schools Week is moving on. Yesterday students had a visit from Sr. Joanie from Xavier. Crazy Socks Day was a success.
Tomorrow is Crazy Hat Day. Please remind your child not to try on other people's hats or share theirs. We would like to aviod the "critters".
Yes, students will pass out Valentines on Valentine's Day. We will create a carrier in class, no shoeboxes ares necessary. There will not be a formal party. The "party" will consist of students passing out their valentines and then opening them. Sweets will be limited and then sent home to share with families.
I will send home a class list for valentine addressing.
In language arts students worked really hard writing information on index cards and organizing their thoughts for an in-class book report.
Their behavior was wonderful today. They earned their last free time point and had their free time.

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