Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Happy New Year!
Today we began a new story called, "Goose's Story". We are working on cause and effect, along with "r" controlled vowels and antonyms.
In religion we are learning about the Holy Family and the Epiphany.
We will begin writing to our pen pals at St. Gregory's this week.

In math students we so excited to begin working in the new math text and workbook. Today we began with a review of fact families and number bonds. Students are writing their own story problems. They were also kind enough to help me sort out a box of cards that spilled and got all mixed up. They put the cards back in their suits and created full decks of cards. Now we can use them.

January is a month of assessments: students will be given a mid year Dibels assessment and a STAR reading test for the Accelerated Reading program.

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