Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Weekly Email

The 6th grade class have all handmade items that will be sold at their Marketplace at school on Friday morning, Dec. 2. The money raised by the sale of these items will go to specific charities the 6th grade students have chosen. The items range in price from $1 to $10. 

Dates to Remember:
           Dec. 6-9 Scholastic Book Fair
                 Dec. 5-9 Toy Drive
                 Dec. 9- 6:00 PM Christmas Concert
                 Dec. 15- Christmas Party

                 Dec. 16- 11:50 dismissal
                         2nd Quarter Ends
                 Dec. 17- Jan. 2- Christmas Vacation
​                 Jan. 3- School Resumes
The class is busy getting back to work after the long weekend. The Elf has come to 2B and can be spotted in different places. Students took the Weekly Assessment last week. I did not include the grammar section as a grade. Quotation Marks are a new concept and students are still practicing. They are also working on capital letters and proper nouns. The new story in language is "Helen Keller". students are working on "the author's purpose" and finding the difference between facts and opinions.
In religion, Advent is what we are reviewing. We do have an Advent wreath.
In math, students are working on mass and then on volume. We will be ready for the 2nd math text book by Christmas break. 
In social studies, students worked on their American History Timelines.
An email with a sign up genius will be sent out by our homeroom parents early next week for the 2B Christmas Party.
It's cold outside, so sweaters are a must.
Don't forget November Reading Logs are due tomorrow!
Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Weekly email

Good afternoon,
Conferences are winding down and students are enjoying their shortened days. We still have much to cover. Students are learning about veterans for Veterans Day. The Veterans Day Ceremony will begin at 8:30 this Friday. Students have made cards for the vets. In math students are learning the 2's,5's and 10's times tables. They can practice these on IXL.
The new reading story is called "Ah, Music!". Students will be discussing fact and opinion, along with making inferences. The long e sound will be the phonics focus this week. In religion, students will be reading about Advent. In social studies, students are working on a unit on American History.  

Nov. 11 Friday- 8:30 Veterans Day Ceremony 
Red, white, blue, camo accessory day
Nov. 12
The Saint John XXIII Open House will be held on Saturday, November 12th from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
We would love to have more families like you join our school community!
Please spread the word to families and friends about this event.
We look forward to meeting with them!
Nov. 17 Book Talks due
Nov. 23- Grandparents/Grand Friends Day 
Nov. 24-25 No School Happy Thanksgiving

Below you will find information on after school enrichment classes and Christmas Concert Information


Happy Wednesday!

Karen Marshall
Saint John XXIII Catholic School Community
Attachments area

Friday, November 4, 2016

Weekly email

Nov. 1, 2016
Good afternoon,
Since I am used to emailing on Mass days, I went ahead and am emailing today. :)
The only homework tonight is to work on the grid. I did not send home any math homework.

Today is All Saint Day and students went to Mass.
In math, students are being introduced to division. They still need regrouping practice in addition and subtraction. The new story in reading is a fun one called "Click, Clack Moo Cows that Type". Students will be working on cause and effect along with compound sentences, writing a persuasive letter and using the prefixes pre- and mis-. In social studies, we will begin learning about pioneers and pilgrims, along with learning about monuments. Students are finishing up their Saint Reports this week. 
Nov. 7-11 11:50 dismissal all week
               Parent Conferences
Nov. 11 8:30 Veteran's Day Ceremony
Nov. 12 10:00-12:00 AM Open House 
The next Enrichment Classes begin on Nov. 14 and will run through February.
Nov. 23 Grandparents/Grand Friends day 11:50 dismissal
Nov 24-25 No School Happy Thanksgiving
Nov. 14-22 Thanksgiving Food Drive
Nov. 22 Turkey Tuesday
Nov. 28 8:15 Wreath blessing

Happy All Saints Day!

Grandparents /Grand Friends Day Registration

This is the link to register for Grandparents Day:
Grandparents/grand friends registration