Dates to Remember:
Dec. 6-9 Scholastic Book Fair
Dec. 5-9 Toy Drive
Dec. 9- 6:00 PM Christmas Concert
Dec. 15- Christmas Party
Dec. 16- 11:50 dismissal
Dec. 5-9 Toy Drive
Dec. 9- 6:00 PM Christmas Concert
Dec. 15- Christmas Party
Dec. 16- 11:50 dismissal
2nd Quarter Ends
Dec. 17- Jan. 2- Christmas Vacation
Jan. 3- School Resumes
Dec. 17- Jan. 2- Christmas Vacation
Jan. 3- School Resumes
The class is busy getting back to work after the long weekend. The Elf has come to 2B and can be spotted in different places. Students took the Weekly Assessment last week. I did not include the grammar section as a grade. Quotation Marks are a new concept and students are still practicing. They are also working on capital letters and proper nouns. The new story in language is "Helen Keller". students are working on "the author's purpose" and finding the difference between facts and opinions.
In religion, Advent is what we are reviewing. We do have an Advent wreath.
In math, students are working on mass and then on volume. We will be ready for the 2nd math text book by Christmas break.
In social studies, students worked on their American History Timelines.
An email with a sign up genius will be sent out by our homeroom parents early next week for the 2B Christmas Party.
It's cold outside, so sweaters are a must.
Don't forget November Reading Logs are due tomorrow!
Happy Wednesday!