Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Good Afternoon,
There is so much learning going on this time of year. In religion, we have been discussing Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and David. They obeyed God and then people had to wait thousands of year for Jesus to come and be our Savior.
In adoration, students have been taking their religion journals to write their own prayers to God. 
In math, students are continuing to regroup in subtraction. 
In science, we have begun a new unit on matter. 
In language, students are reading anew story called, "The Ugly Vegetable". Students will be drawing conclusions, reviewing double consonants and -ck, and proper nouns.
It's getting that time of year. Look for the Sign Up Genius for the 2B Booth at the Harvest Festival on Oct. 28. I will also send the link in the weekly email next week.
The first quarter closes on October 13. There is no school Oct. 14 & 17.
Parent Conferences will take place the week of Nov. 7-11, along with an 11:50 dismissal all week. 
Don't forget to complete the Parent Survey. 
Parent Survey   The explanation letter is attached. You can find the link there too.
Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Good Afternoon,
This week students have been exploring apps on I-pads. Today some of them took their first test on the ipads, while the others were at Atrium. The others will take the test on Monday. Unfortunately, there has been some internet issues that deleted some of their apps. We are working on this so we can the most use out of them. 
In language, the new story is about animal homes. We reviewed vocabulary and are working on using graphics and pictures as a strategy for figuring out words. Students are also working on blends at the end of words. 
In math, students began regrouping in subtraction. They have been using base ten blocks and whiteboards to work problems. They will transition to paper tomorrow. However, they can continue to use base ten blocks.
In social studies, we finished up the unit on communities and will begin a science unit on Matter.

The 2nd grade will be leaders for Courtyard prayers and Mass the week of October 2-7. 

Please remember to complete the SLE evaluation for your child. The link is

I have also attached the Homeroom Parent Welcome letter.

Happy Wednesday!
Karen Marshall

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Weekly News

Good afternoon,
We finished up the ITBS testing today. Any students who were absent will complete make ups Thursday and Friday. With all the testing, we are very busy playing catch up.  In language, our new story is called, “Teacher’s Pet”. We will work on story structure along with consonant blends. Students will be writing pen pal letters to their pen pals at St. Catherine’s School in South Phoenix. In math, students are regrouping in ones and tens. We will finish up this chapter on Friday.
Please complete the parent survey for your child(ren) by the end of the 1st quarter. This is the link Parent Survey . It is also located on the Saint John XXIII website.
Thank you to Mrs. Albright and Mrs. Reid for volunteering to be our homeroom parents.
Happy Wednesday!

Karen Marshall

Monday, September 12, 2016


Please remember to send in water bottles everyday.
We are continuing the ITBS testing until Wednesday or Thursday with make ups on Friday.
Students continue to work on addition with regrouping in tens and ones. Tomorrow they will regroup to the hundreds.
There will be a spelling test and a weekly assessment tomorrow. There is no grid homework this week. Look for it next Monday.
Half of the students began Atrium today. The other half will go on Wednesday.
Happy Monday!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

September 7 Weekly Email

Good afternoon,
This has been a very busy week. Thank you for all those parents who volunteered to help with signs in the morning before school. Your help is greatly appreciated. We have begun ITBS testing today and this will continue every morning until the end of next week. Please make sure that your child has a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast.
We have also begun regrouping in addition. Students are using the ipads more and more. Soon they will be ready for research and projects. In language, we are reviewing long vowels, hard and soft G, and cause and effect. The story for this week is “Diary of a Spider”. It’s hilarious and the students really enjoyed it. They are also reviewing nouns.
Below please find the Friday Food Drive and an attachment for Reconciliation Information for St. Bernadette’s Parish.
Happy Wednesday!

Friday is Free Dress for the Food Pantry to assist Saint Joan of Arc in stocking their perilously low shelves!!  Below is the breakdown of what we are asking each grade to bring.  

*Students will need to bring in 10 of whatever item is designated

* If students bring the food items to class, please just make a note of WHO brought them in so they can have Free Dress on Friday.  I will keep track of those students who bring to the courtyard and on Friday as they come in.

1st...canned fruit
2nd...mac and cheese
5th...spaghetti sauce ramen
8th...Hamburger Helper

Free Dress Guidelines
These days are a privilege. Students are expected to choose appropriate school wear following the guidelines and rules listed for the school uniform. Modesty and good taste are expected. Administration and staff reserve the right to judge what is appropriate and acceptable. Students found to be “out of appropriate dress” will not be allowed into class.
Parents and Students should note the following:
Jeans and uniform shorts can be worn
• Clothing can be neither under-sized nor over-sized.
• The length of skirts must still adhere to the uniform guidelines.
3 inches from the middle of the knee.
• Shorts other than uniform shorts are not permitted
* Leggings and Jeggings are not permitted
*Makeup is not permitted
Restrictions include, but are not limited to, spaghetti-strap tops, tank tops, biker shorts, short shorts, cut-offs, midriff shirts, pajama-style clothing, or clothing with inappropriate slogans/pictures.
• Shoes must be appropriate for Recess and P.E. class. NO sandals are permitted at any time.
*Socks must be blue, black, white or grey


This week has gone by really quickly. I did send home the September Reading Log. Just jot down how many minutes are read each night and turn it in at the end of the month.
Students are loving the freedom of using ipads.
Tomorrow is Pride Day. It is the last day of the School Supplies Drive. It is also Food Friday Drive for the St. Joan of Arc Pantry. Free dress for 10 boxes of Mac and Cheese.
Please keep sending in water bottles with your children.
Happy Thursday!