Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Students have been reviewing the 5 Steps to a Good Confession and the 3 things you receive with a good confession. Thursday is the 2nd grade retreat. Students may wear jeans and school tennis shoes.
In math, we are finishing up the unit on fractions. Students loved fractions.
In language, the weekly assessments were completed. Students were given 12 spelling words today and will be given 12 words until the end of the year.

Reminder: Friday there will be items to purchase that the 6th graders have made. The money goes to various charities around the Valley. It is called, "The Lent Marketplace".

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

2nd Grade Retreat sign up

In The Footsteps of Jesus
Ways of Worship
2nd Grade Spiritual Retreat
Thursday February 25, 2016
8:30am to 2:30pm
Place:   Canaan in the Desert          AND         St. Bernadette's Catholic Church

                                9849 N. 40th Street                                             16245 N. 60th Street
                                Phoenix, AZ 85028                                              Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Many volunteers are needed to help make this a special and spiritual day for your student.
Please click on the sign up genius to see how you can help out!


Today students completed the weekly spelling assessments and language assessment. Please note that words students misspell on any spelling assessments will be written 5 times. Most of the words are words they should be proficient with by now and need to be by the end of the year.
Next week, after the holiday, students will begin having 12 regular spelling words a week along with the bonus word for a grand total of 13 words a week.
In math, students are learning about money.
In religion, we talked about forgiveness. Many students have begun receiving First Reconciliation. Congratulations to those who have received this sacrament!

A few reminders:
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, so we are going to Mass at 10:00.
President Models are due on Thursday.
Hall of Presidents for parents to see the models is on Friday before school.
We will be passing out and enjoying our valentines on Friday morning.
There will also be Stations of the Cross on Friday at 11:20.
Monday is a holiday! No school!