Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Weekly Email 12/5-9

Good afternoon,
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is tomorrow. We will be attending Mass tomorrow at 10:00.

Don't forget the Book Fair is open before school, during school and after school. Our class went to the Book Fair during our library time. It will also be open before the Christmas Concert on Friday night. Many students took clipboards, paper and pencils to write down their favorite books. They even shared their paper with others.

The Christmas Toy Drive is also happening this week. 

We are so busy finishing up the 2nd quarter work and getting ready for Christmas. In math, we are finishing up a unit on volume. In language, the story is called, "Officer Buckle and Gloria". Students are discussing cause and effect along with compound words and the schwa sound. In social studies, we have begun Christmas Around the World. Students will be learning customs from 6 countries. They will travel between the 2nd grade classrooms on their adventures. In religion, we are learning about the Holy Family and discussing Advent. Students are participating in the national week of coding. They used the website to try their hands at coding. Most are really good at it and they love it. This is something they can learn at home.

Dates to Remember:
            Dec. 5-9 Toy Drive
                 Dec. 9- 6:00 PM Christmas Concert
                 Dec. 15- Christmas Party 1:15-2:15 You must be safe environment   
                                  compliant to attend             
                 Dec. 16- 11:50 dismissal
                         2nd Quarter Ends
                 Dec. 17- Jan. 2- Christmas Vacation
​                 Jan. 3- School Resumes
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Weekly Email

The 6th grade class have all handmade items that will be sold at their Marketplace at school on Friday morning, Dec. 2. The money raised by the sale of these items will go to specific charities the 6th grade students have chosen. The items range in price from $1 to $10. 

Dates to Remember:
           Dec. 6-9 Scholastic Book Fair
                 Dec. 5-9 Toy Drive
                 Dec. 9- 6:00 PM Christmas Concert
                 Dec. 15- Christmas Party

                 Dec. 16- 11:50 dismissal
                         2nd Quarter Ends
                 Dec. 17- Jan. 2- Christmas Vacation
​                 Jan. 3- School Resumes
The class is busy getting back to work after the long weekend. The Elf has come to 2B and can be spotted in different places. Students took the Weekly Assessment last week. I did not include the grammar section as a grade. Quotation Marks are a new concept and students are still practicing. They are also working on capital letters and proper nouns. The new story in language is "Helen Keller". students are working on "the author's purpose" and finding the difference between facts and opinions.
In religion, Advent is what we are reviewing. We do have an Advent wreath.
In math, students are working on mass and then on volume. We will be ready for the 2nd math text book by Christmas break. 
In social studies, students worked on their American History Timelines.
An email with a sign up genius will be sent out by our homeroom parents early next week for the 2B Christmas Party.
It's cold outside, so sweaters are a must.
Don't forget November Reading Logs are due tomorrow!
Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Weekly email

Good afternoon,
Conferences are winding down and students are enjoying their shortened days. We still have much to cover. Students are learning about veterans for Veterans Day. The Veterans Day Ceremony will begin at 8:30 this Friday. Students have made cards for the vets. In math students are learning the 2's,5's and 10's times tables. They can practice these on IXL.
The new reading story is called "Ah, Music!". Students will be discussing fact and opinion, along with making inferences. The long e sound will be the phonics focus this week. In religion, students will be reading about Advent. In social studies, students are working on a unit on American History.  

Nov. 11 Friday- 8:30 Veterans Day Ceremony 
Red, white, blue, camo accessory day
Nov. 12
The Saint John XXIII Open House will be held on Saturday, November 12th from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
We would love to have more families like you join our school community!
Please spread the word to families and friends about this event.
We look forward to meeting with them!
Nov. 17 Book Talks due
Nov. 23- Grandparents/Grand Friends Day 
Nov. 24-25 No School Happy Thanksgiving

Below you will find information on after school enrichment classes and Christmas Concert Information


Happy Wednesday!

Karen Marshall
Saint John XXIII Catholic School Community
Attachments area

Friday, November 4, 2016

Weekly email

Nov. 1, 2016
Good afternoon,
Since I am used to emailing on Mass days, I went ahead and am emailing today. :)
The only homework tonight is to work on the grid. I did not send home any math homework.

Today is All Saint Day and students went to Mass.
In math, students are being introduced to division. They still need regrouping practice in addition and subtraction. The new story in reading is a fun one called "Click, Clack Moo Cows that Type". Students will be working on cause and effect along with compound sentences, writing a persuasive letter and using the prefixes pre- and mis-. In social studies, we will begin learning about pioneers and pilgrims, along with learning about monuments. Students are finishing up their Saint Reports this week. 
Nov. 7-11 11:50 dismissal all week
               Parent Conferences
Nov. 11 8:30 Veteran's Day Ceremony
Nov. 12 10:00-12:00 AM Open House 
The next Enrichment Classes begin on Nov. 14 and will run through February.
Nov. 23 Grandparents/Grand Friends day 11:50 dismissal
Nov 24-25 No School Happy Thanksgiving
Nov. 14-22 Thanksgiving Food Drive
Nov. 22 Turkey Tuesday
Nov. 28 8:15 Wreath blessing

Happy All Saints Day!

Grandparents /Grand Friends Day Registration

This is the link to register for Grandparents Day:
Grandparents/grand friends registration

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Good afternoon,
We are back on schedule this week after the long weekend. There will be a spelling test on Tuesday and the grid is due on Friday. Our new story is a Native American folktale called "How Chipmunk got his Tail" by Joseph Brucak. We will be working on suffixes and contractions. In addition, students are working on characters and their traits. 
In religion, students have begun working on their saint research using ipads. They will be writing their reports when their research is complete.
In math, we are working on two-step story problems. 

Oct. 27- Pioneer Village field trip Students need a sack lunch.
Oct. 28- Harvest Festival 6-9 PM
Nov. 1-10:00 Mass
Nov. 7-11 Fall Parent Conferences will take place in the afternoon
              11:50 dismissal for primary all week.

Don't forget to sign up for the 2B booth for the Harvest Festival. 

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Weekly news

Good Afternoon,
Students have figured out that the Harvest Fest is not far away and they are so excited! 
Please find a permission slip and a FACTS form for the 2nd grade field trip to Pioneer Village on Thursday, October 27. This is a fun outdoor field trip where students experience a pioneer village as they can learn about the history of the Western Expansion. Please return the forms promptly.

This week students have been writing about the weather and they finished up writing about "From a Pumpkin Seed to a Jack-O-Lantern. I see a lot of improvement in their writing from the beginning of the year. In math, students are continuing to regroup in addition and subtraction using bar models as a strategy to decide whether to add or subject. In religion, students we finished up the unit on the Ten Commandments. In science, we are learning about liquids and then gases next week. Since this is a short week there will not be a spelling test on Tuesday. There will be new spelling words and a new grid on Tuesday. 

Important dates:
*Tomorrow is vision and hearing screening. 2B time is at 10:40.
*Don't forget no school this Friday or Monday!
*This Thursday is the end of the 1st quarter.
*Oct. 20- Report cards accessible online.
              Permission slips and FACTS forms are due
*Oct. 27-Field trip
*Oct. 28 Harvest Fest
*Nov. 1- 10:00 All Saints Day Mass, instead of Wednesday
*Nov. 7-11 Fall Parent Conferences will take place in the afternoon
              11:50 dismissal for primary all week.
Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Good Afternoon,
There is so much learning going on this time of year. In religion, we have been discussing Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and David. They obeyed God and then people had to wait thousands of year for Jesus to come and be our Savior.
In adoration, students have been taking their religion journals to write their own prayers to God. 
In math, students are continuing to regroup in subtraction. 
In science, we have begun a new unit on matter. 
In language, students are reading anew story called, "The Ugly Vegetable". Students will be drawing conclusions, reviewing double consonants and -ck, and proper nouns.
It's getting that time of year. Look for the Sign Up Genius for the 2B Booth at the Harvest Festival on Oct. 28. I will also send the link in the weekly email next week.
The first quarter closes on October 13. There is no school Oct. 14 & 17.
Parent Conferences will take place the week of Nov. 7-11, along with an 11:50 dismissal all week. 
Don't forget to complete the Parent Survey. 
Parent Survey   The explanation letter is attached. You can find the link there too.
Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Good Afternoon,
This week students have been exploring apps on I-pads. Today some of them took their first test on the ipads, while the others were at Atrium. The others will take the test on Monday. Unfortunately, there has been some internet issues that deleted some of their apps. We are working on this so we can the most use out of them. 
In language, the new story is about animal homes. We reviewed vocabulary and are working on using graphics and pictures as a strategy for figuring out words. Students are also working on blends at the end of words. 
In math, students began regrouping in subtraction. They have been using base ten blocks and whiteboards to work problems. They will transition to paper tomorrow. However, they can continue to use base ten blocks.
In social studies, we finished up the unit on communities and will begin a science unit on Matter.

The 2nd grade will be leaders for Courtyard prayers and Mass the week of October 2-7. 

Please remember to complete the SLE evaluation for your child. The link is

I have also attached the Homeroom Parent Welcome letter.

Happy Wednesday!
Karen Marshall

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Weekly News

Good afternoon,
We finished up the ITBS testing today. Any students who were absent will complete make ups Thursday and Friday. With all the testing, we are very busy playing catch up.  In language, our new story is called, “Teacher’s Pet”. We will work on story structure along with consonant blends. Students will be writing pen pal letters to their pen pals at St. Catherine’s School in South Phoenix. In math, students are regrouping in ones and tens. We will finish up this chapter on Friday.
Please complete the parent survey for your child(ren) by the end of the 1st quarter. This is the link Parent Survey . It is also located on the Saint John XXIII website.
Thank you to Mrs. Albright and Mrs. Reid for volunteering to be our homeroom parents.
Happy Wednesday!

Karen Marshall

Monday, September 12, 2016


Please remember to send in water bottles everyday.
We are continuing the ITBS testing until Wednesday or Thursday with make ups on Friday.
Students continue to work on addition with regrouping in tens and ones. Tomorrow they will regroup to the hundreds.
There will be a spelling test and a weekly assessment tomorrow. There is no grid homework this week. Look for it next Monday.
Half of the students began Atrium today. The other half will go on Wednesday.
Happy Monday!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

September 7 Weekly Email

Good afternoon,
This has been a very busy week. Thank you for all those parents who volunteered to help with signs in the morning before school. Your help is greatly appreciated. We have begun ITBS testing today and this will continue every morning until the end of next week. Please make sure that your child has a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast.
We have also begun regrouping in addition. Students are using the ipads more and more. Soon they will be ready for research and projects. In language, we are reviewing long vowels, hard and soft G, and cause and effect. The story for this week is “Diary of a Spider”. It’s hilarious and the students really enjoyed it. They are also reviewing nouns.
Below please find the Friday Food Drive and an attachment for Reconciliation Information for St. Bernadette’s Parish.
Happy Wednesday!

Friday is Free Dress for the Food Pantry to assist Saint Joan of Arc in stocking their perilously low shelves!!  Below is the breakdown of what we are asking each grade to bring.  

*Students will need to bring in 10 of whatever item is designated

* If students bring the food items to class, please just make a note of WHO brought them in so they can have Free Dress on Friday.  I will keep track of those students who bring to the courtyard and on Friday as they come in.

1st...canned fruit
2nd...mac and cheese
5th...spaghetti sauce ramen
8th...Hamburger Helper

Free Dress Guidelines
These days are a privilege. Students are expected to choose appropriate school wear following the guidelines and rules listed for the school uniform. Modesty and good taste are expected. Administration and staff reserve the right to judge what is appropriate and acceptable. Students found to be “out of appropriate dress” will not be allowed into class.
Parents and Students should note the following:
Jeans and uniform shorts can be worn
• Clothing can be neither under-sized nor over-sized.
• The length of skirts must still adhere to the uniform guidelines.
3 inches from the middle of the knee.
• Shorts other than uniform shorts are not permitted
* Leggings and Jeggings are not permitted
*Makeup is not permitted
Restrictions include, but are not limited to, spaghetti-strap tops, tank tops, biker shorts, short shorts, cut-offs, midriff shirts, pajama-style clothing, or clothing with inappropriate slogans/pictures.
• Shoes must be appropriate for Recess and P.E. class. NO sandals are permitted at any time.
*Socks must be blue, black, white or grey


This week has gone by really quickly. I did send home the September Reading Log. Just jot down how many minutes are read each night and turn it in at the end of the month.
Students are loving the freedom of using ipads.
Tomorrow is Pride Day. It is the last day of the School Supplies Drive. It is also Food Friday Drive for the St. Joan of Arc Pantry. Free dress for 10 boxes of Mac and Cheese.
Please keep sending in water bottles with your children.
Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Weekly Letter

Good afternoon,
The 2nd grade has been very busy this week. We are the leaders for Courtyard Prayers and Mass. Our leaders for Monday Courtyard Prayer and Mass today did an excellent job being leaders.
We have also been busy making signs for the School Supplies Drive next week. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to stand with your children holding the signs advertising the drive. You help is greatly appreciated.
In religion, we discussed the God is Creator and made all things. In language, short vowels were reviewed, as well as subject and predicate. Students reviewed simple sentences and run-on sentences. The author’s purpose was the skill emphasized this week. In math, place value was reviewed. Students will begin taking basic facts quizzes this week. In science, we finished up the germs unit. We have begun the socials studies unit on communities.
Thank you for remembering to send in those water bottles. They are very good at hydrating and we do take frequent restroom breaks.
Don’t forget Monday is a holiday!
Pride Day is on Friday, September 9.
Happy Wednesday!
Karen Marshall

Friday, August 26, 2016

Courtyard prayer

2B does a great job ending courtyard prayer today! God is good!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Students were able to go to Mass today in the new church. Some need some practice with worship aides and kneeling on the kneelers. These are skills we will work on over the coming weeks. The church is lovely and it is so wonderful to be able to worship in it. In religion, we are learning about the Blessed Trinity.
In math, this week are reviewing place value, ones, tens, and hundreds. Students will also be writing numbers using words and expanded form.
In language, students read the story, "Henry and Mudge". We discussed story sequencing, describing words, subject and predicate, and short a and short i words with the CVC pattern.

Students are now eating lunch in the multi-purpose room in the air conditioning.
Please remember tennis shoes are white, socks are white, necklaces are simple, like a cross, and bows contain the school colors.
Be sure to send in water bottles! Students get hot during the day.

Monday, August 15, 2016


We are off to a running start. Students were able to write in their agendas and they have spelling words for the week and the first spelling test will be on Tuesday, August 23. Students are bringing home a weekly homework grid. This should be kept in their home folders for the week so it doesn't get lost. All activities and the grid should be returned on Fridays.
In math we reviewed place value and students used base ten blocks to review ones, tens and hundreds. In language we reviewed short a and i along with story sequence words. They read "Henry and Mudge". Tomorrow we will finish discussing the story.
In religion students reviewed the Holy Trinity. They were also able to eat lunch inside and will be doing so from now on! Yippee!!!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Courtyard Prayer

This 2B group did an awesome job ending courtyard prayer!

Thursday, August 11, 2016


What a great couple of days! Students have been well behaved and are working so hard. Today we went to Adoration for the first time this year and the students were fabulous! They earned a Responsible Christian Leader sticker. Ask them about it.
Reminder that school is dismissed at 12:20 tomorrow for grades Kinder-2nd.

Image result for adoration cartoon image

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Welcome to 2B! We have so much fun planned this year. You are all so special to us and to God. I so am so blessed to be your teacher.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

2B artists

R.E.A.L Surveys

Our 6th grade buddies came and helped 2nd graders with their student surveys.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Saint john XXIII Summer Camp 2016

Text Box: Summer Camp
A Faith-Filled Summer Experience that Nurtures 
Text Box:
Saint John XXIII PRIDE Summer Camp 2016
Join Saint John XXIII Catholic School for a “faith-filled” summer experience nurturing the “WHOLE” child.
2016 Pride Summer Camp is accepting students entering K - 5th grades for the 2016-2017 school year. Curriculum includes academics, technology, foreign language, arts/crafts, physical education, Bible adventure, field trips and more!   
Weekly sessions from 6/6/16 thru 8/5/16.
 Instructors are AZ Certified Teachers.
                                                               For more information:                                                               480-905-0939/website at

Summer Camp Registration Form

Student Information (please print)                           
Parent/Guardian Information (please print)
First Name: __________________________          M: ___   F: ____
□  Father  □  Mother  □  Legal Guardian
Last Name: _________________________
Name: _________________________
Address: ___________________________    Tee shirt size: XS  S  M  L  XL
Work Phone: __________________________
City: ____________________ State: _____ Zip: ______
Cell Phone: ___________________________
Grade (16-17) school year): ____      School: ________________
Email: _________________________________
Home Phone:__________________________

Part 1: Complete for week(s) your student WILL be attending SJXXIII Pride Summer Camp.

For The Week Beginning



# of weeks

Fee per week*
Camp (9 am – 2 pm)

Ext Day (8-9 am 2-4 pm)

$ 60
***NO CAMP on 7/4

Ext. Day week of 7/5


Registration fee (non-refundable)

  $ 30

EXTRA camp t-shirts ONLY
Size:  XS  S  M  L  XL

Total  Summer Camp fees

* The camp fee includes Friday Pizza Party, Field Trip transportation and admission costs.  The registration fee includes ONE camp
Tee shirt to be worn every day. If you would like additional tee shirts (at a cost of $10/shirt), please indicate the number and sizes above.

Part 2:  Total Fees Due for Summer Camp
Total Summer Camp Fees (from Part 1)
Deposit (registration fee plus the first week’s payment required to reserve spot)
Remaining balance

Payment Information **
FACTS Account (for SJXXXIII Students)
Signature ___________________________________________________________
(By signing this form, I authorize SJXXIII to charge my FACTS account for the deposit five days after remittance of this form and the remaining weekly fees on the Friday before the start of that camp week)
Other payment method (for those without a FACTS account)
Cash  $ ____
Check (payable to Saint John XXIII Catholic School) ____
Check #: _____ Amount: _____
Credit Card -       Visa ______ MasterCard ______ Amex ______ Discover ______
Credit Card Number ____________________________________
Expiration Date ____________________
Security Code ____________________
(last 3 digits on back for Visa and MasterCard, on front for Amex)
Signature __________________________________________________________________________
(By signing this form, I authorize SJXXIII to charge my card – when received for the deposit and the remaining weekly fees on the Friday before the start of that camp week.)
** Registration fees are non-refundable.  Weekly camp fees can be applied to another week with one week’s notice.  A two week notice is required for refund of the weekly camp fees.