Monday, August 31, 2015

ONLINE REGISTRATION NOW OPEN for Enrichment Classes!!!

ONLINE REGISTRATION NOW OPEN for Enrichment Classes!!!  

Check out & register some of the Enrichment Classes that you enjoyed last year and take a look at a few new ones.  Many classes have a maximum amount of students, so please register as soon as possible.  Description of all classes on the website....
To register, go to our school website:,  go to PARENTS tab, Click on Extended Day, then drop down to Enrichment Class Offerings.  The following are the Enrichment Class Offerings for Session One:

MONDAYS:  Chess Emporium,
                     Beginning Guitar
TUESDAYS:  Young Rembrandts
THURSDAYS:  Athletes In Training
                         Guitar Level 2
                  Guitar, Rock & Pop
                  Crazy, Cool Science (New!)

Friday, August 28, 2015


Please find the link below for the first Cub Scout information meeting of the year.

Cub Scout Flyer 8/2015

Today was very busy. We finished up the unit on germs in science.
We read about the Blessed Trinity in religion. In math, students took a practice math facts quiz.In language, students practiced -s and -es endings, along with some comprehension.
They also went to PE.
Keep sending your child with water bottles, they drink from them all day.
Happy Friday!

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Don't forget those first grids are due tomorrow. The students seemed to enjoy working on them. 
Next week the second grade will be leading courtyard prayer on Monday and Friday as well Mass on Wednesday. If your child has a speaking part, it was sent home today if there part is next week. 

In religion, students took their first quiz. In science, we are finishing up our germs unit by completing a short germs booklet. In math students are reviewing place value. They did a great job today!
In language, students worked on characters and setting along with a vocabulary review and some phonic with short a and i.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


This week has flown by and I have been so busy I haven't had time to blog. Students have now been to Mass twice. After Mass we over some rules they had forgotten and new rules.
Students always have snack right after Mass as they are hungry. Their recess time is also different because they have music during their regular recess time.
In language, we reviewed sentences, along with sentence punctuation. Yesterday students listened to the first story in their reading anthology. We discussed characters and setting.
In math, we are reviewing place value.
In science, we are learning about germs. It is so appropriate for the first part of the year.
In religion, we have discussing God the Father.
Happy Wednesday!

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Everyone had another excellent day at school. In religion, we discussed how we are all special. I also read them "You are Special". In language, students were able to put together their binders and notebooks. We also discussed characters and settings are in a story. they listened to the story "Chrysathemum".
In math, we reviewed concepts from last year and students practice basic facts. In social studies, students looked through the textbook and I gave them an overview of what they will be learning this year.
Next week, more homework will be given out and the homework grid will be explained to the students.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


The class had a wonderful first day of school. It started with Mass. Then we discussed the rules for recess, classroom, soccer, etc. Then we toured the classroom.
After that they went to recess and on to Music. We continued touring the room and we picked classroom helpers. Sorting the school supplies was a treat.
All of a sudden it was lunch. They did play and eat inside today. Tomorrow they will be eating in the ramada and have outdoor recess.
After lunch they went to PE. We finished the day with some math practice.
There will be some light homework this week.
We will start agendas next week.