Thursday, December 17, 2015
Friday, December 11, 2015
Monday, December 7, 2015
Today was a very busy day. In language, we began a new story about working as a team and being part of a performance group. Students will also continue to practice summarizing skills. They are also finishing up their animal reports. We are also working on the digraphs th,ch, tch, sh, and ph.
We did make it to Adoration today and the students were very attentive to Jesus.
In math, students are working on the chapter review on measuring, along with working on story problems.
This afternoon there was a fire drill just before students went to music. Those who attend Atrium went and those who stayed with me completed some experiments on air. We will switch on Wednesday.
Tomorrow is Mass at 10:00 for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
Tomorrow begins the Scholastic Book Fair. Students may go before or after school and during lunch recess. On Thursday, we will go to the Book Fair as a class. Those with money may purchase. Those without may look around.
We did make it to Adoration today and the students were very attentive to Jesus.
In math, students are working on the chapter review on measuring, along with working on story problems.
This afternoon there was a fire drill just before students went to music. Those who attend Atrium went and those who stayed with me completed some experiments on air. We will switch on Wednesday.
Tomorrow is Mass at 10:00 for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
Tomorrow begins the Scholastic Book Fair. Students may go before or after school and during lunch recess. On Thursday, we will go to the Book Fair as a class. Those with money may purchase. Those without may look around.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Welcome back from Thanksgiving! We are back to work here in 2B. It is cold outside so remember to have students wear their sweaters, especially in the morning. In religion, students reviewed Advent and the Holy Family. In math, students had fun measuring items around the classroom using a piece of string a meter long.
In language, students are working on the main idea and then writing a summary. In science, students experimented in small groups discovering some properties of liquids.
Next week, beginning on Tuesday, December 8-11 there will be the Scholastic Book Fair before and after school and during lunch recess. In addition, there will be a Toy Drive all week.
There was a new sign up for Art helpers that was sent out today.
In addition, there is information below about enrichment classes for the next session.
SESSION TWO 12/7/15 until 2/26/16
Classes fill up quickly, so please register as soon as possible!
Enroll online at:
Go to the PARENTS TAB. Drop down to EXTENDED DAY
Click on +Enrichment Class Offerings and Forms.
Classes offered are: Chess, Guitar, Young Rembrandts, Golf, Bricks4kidz, Drama,
Athletes In Training, Soccer Shots, Crazy, Cool Science, and Cheer. More information and descriptions of each class is on the website!
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
It's a very short week so there won't be any homework. There will also be no spelling test next Tuesday.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Monday, November 16, 2015
Winter has come to Arizona. Please remember to send in water bottles and sweaters with names on them. It's going to be chilly this week.
In language, students worked on verbs along with vocabulary and phonics.
In math, students worked on their 5's facts using dot papers.
Students did go to music and Atrium.
In language, students worked on verbs along with vocabulary and phonics.
In math, students worked on their 5's facts using dot papers.
Students did go to music and Atrium.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Pioneer Village was a huge hit! The students loved all the old buildings. I think they like being able to run from building to building. There was a church, schoolhouse, blacksmith, Victorian house, sheriff office and a jail, along with a bank with a vault. To culminate the day there was a short review of gun safety and a gun fight in the wild west. Ask your child which buildings they liked best.
There is no homework tonight.
There is no homework tonight.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Today student completed their weekly workbook pages, along with writing a final copy of their "All About Me" stories. In addition, they completed their spelling test, dictation and close test. They began the unit assessment which they will finish tomorrow.
In math, students learned how to use dots patterns to multiply by 2.
In religion, we began reading about Advent.
Don't forget to bring a sack lunch and drink on the field trip to Pioneer Village on Thursday!
Also, I have a new grandson that was born today, just in case the news is out!
In math, students learned how to use dots patterns to multiply by 2.
In religion, we began reading about Advent.
Don't forget to bring a sack lunch and drink on the field trip to Pioneer Village on Thursday!
Also, I have a new grandson that was born today, just in case the news is out!
Monday, November 9, 2015
Safe Environment Training for Children and Youth Parent Information Letter
Safe Environment Training for
Children and Youth
Information Letter
Dear Parents / Guardians of Students:
As Catholics, we believe
that every human being is created in the image and likeness of God. Each of us is sacred
and our lives—body, mind, and soul—should be treated with respect. The safety of your child(ren) is always a priority to
us. Therefore, Safe Environment education is incorporated into EVERY
Catholic school and religious education program EVERY year.
Safe Environment education for children focuses
on identifying appropriate physical, emotional, and spiritual boundaries. All children are reminded that they are loved
and valued by God and the Church. In
addition, it reinforces the important message that children and youth are able
to talk to trusted adults if they or anyone they know are being hurt.
This year the Safe Environment lessons for Saint
John XXIII students will be integrated into the classes during the months of November
and December.
In Kindergarten through 5th grades,
lessons will be 20 minutes of a class period.
Grades 7 through 12 will utilize lessons that have
been incorporated into the Catholic school classes.
In 6th grade, the NEW TWO-PART lesson plan based program, "Created in God's Image for Youth",
will be utilized to teach
boundaries. This is a change from the
video program that we have used over the past several years. Parents, as
the primary educators of the Church, have the option to present this material
to your child directly. If you choose to present this material yourself
rather than having it provided at school, please inform the school coordinator (Mrs. Hepsen) and the lesson plans
will be provided to assist you. Your
child may then go to another classroom on the day the program is offered. If
your child is absent on the day the Safe Environment program is presented, you will be asked to sign an
acknowledgement letter that you received the material.
If you have any
questions, contact your child’s homeroom teacher via email or call the Diocesan Safe
Environment Training Office at 602-354-2418.
Together, we can work
towards the elimination of child sexual abuse.
Mary Hepsen,
M.Ed., M.S.Ed.
Certified School Psychologist
Safe Environment Coordinator
Saint John XXIII Catholic School
16235 N. 60th Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Overview for Parents
Every person is created in the image and likeness of God. Every child is
loved by God and must know of the love
that they are created in.
BOUNDARY DEFINITION Something that marks a limit, like a fence or
the lines on a basketball court.
Each person has the right
and responsibility to state when a boundary is being violated.
Who can
touch you
much they can touch you
they can touch you
· Inappropriate massages and wrestling by adults
· Adults touching private areas
Inappropriate kissing
close you feel to a person
much time you spend with
a person
information you share with
a person
questions about minors sexuality
too personal of questions
approaching minors inappropriately on
phones, text, the internet
things you will do
things you will not do
minors beer, drugs,
students to keep secrets from parents
REINFORCE through regular conversations
When abuse or a boundary
violation occurs, it is the adult that is in the wrong; it is never the child's fault.
If a child is ever
uncomfortable with the actions of an adult they need to tell a trusted adult and keep telling until they are
Who to trust?
v Parent, family member, teacher, pastor,
catechist, youth minister
That they understand they
will always be loved no matter what they tell you
What is the difference
between keeping secrets and holding a surprise
Diocese of Phoenix Safe
Environment Curriculum
Adapted from Praesidium inc. "Called to Protect for YouthTM"
Friday, November 6, 2015
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Friday is "Crazy Tie Day"
Last Friday, Ms. Clary, Student Principal for the Day announced that Students and Staff can wear their funniest, craziest tie on
Friday, November 6, 2015.
If you do not have a tie use the attached template and make a crazy paper tie! Join the fun.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Extended Day but no enrichment classes next week
Next week Mon-Fri.
2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Extended Day is available all week.
Enrichment Classes
Beg.Guitar, Bricks4kidz, Drama, Young Rembrandts, Athletes In Training,
Guitar:Rock & Pop, Cheer & Crazy, Cool Science)
to half day dismissal and Parent/Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
My daughter, Paula, along with the Student Leadership Team, will be collecting unwanted Halloween candy until Friday November 6. There will be SVdP boxes in the courtyard and also one in the school office to drop your candy. All the candy will go to Chris Becker at SVdP. It will be used for their annual Christmas party for the homeless. Please feel free to contact Sheila Doherty at if you have any questions.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Tomorrow is Picture Retakes. Be sure to bring back the pictures if you want them retaken.
We had little ant visitors in our classroom today. This made students a little anxious, but we worked through it and made it through the the day. The ant are gone.
Students worked on homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms practice. They also finished up some writing and their Practice Workbook pages in reading. In math, we began multiplication. Students are learning that multiplication is repeated addition.
Students are working on their saint power points this week.
If there a couple of students whose parents would be able to deliver some of the school supplies to Sacred Heart church on a Sunday and speak at the mass, please let me know.
We had little ant visitors in our classroom today. This made students a little anxious, but we worked through it and made it through the the day. The ant are gone.
Students worked on homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms practice. They also finished up some writing and their Practice Workbook pages in reading. In math, we began multiplication. Students are learning that multiplication is repeated addition.
Students are working on their saint power points this week.
If there a couple of students whose parents would be able to deliver some of the school supplies to Sacred Heart church on a Sunday and speak at the mass, please let me know.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
It was a stormy day especially around lunchtime. There were two huge downpours while the 2nd grade was eating lunch in the ramada. Thank goodness it stopped as we walked back to the classroom. It was quite exciting!
In religion, we read about Abraham and Isaac, and David as obedient followers of God, even when it was difficult.
In math, students are learning about two step story problems.
In language, students are listening to book talks. Hopefully, the rest will be able to share tomorrow.
Friday is Pride Day and $1.00 for black and orange accessories.
It is also Harvest Fest. There are still some times available to work the 2B booth.
In religion, we read about Abraham and Isaac, and David as obedient followers of God, even when it was difficult.
In math, students are learning about two step story problems.
In language, students are listening to book talks. Hopefully, the rest will be able to share tomorrow.
Friday is Pride Day and $1.00 for black and orange accessories.
It is also Harvest Fest. There are still some times available to work the 2B booth.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Today was the usual busy Wednesday. In math, students are working on story problems using bar models as a strategy for problem solving. They were also able to begin their Eric Carle pictures to go with their Tiny Seed story. Tomorrow they will finish.
I will be putting in Scholastic Book Orders tomorrow afternoon/ evening if anyone is interested in ordering. This way the books will be here by the end of the month.
I will be putting in Scholastic Book Orders tomorrow afternoon/ evening if anyone is interested in ordering. This way the books will be here by the end of the month.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Below are more volunteer opportunities for the Harvest Fest. Don't be left out, sign up soon!
Students reviewed antonyms, learned about similes, and practiced reading comprehension. They also read more about Baptism in religion. In math they are learning about and practicing bar models. In addition, they completed the Math Dibels Assessment.
Because of the long weekend coming up, there are no new spelling words this week.
Students reviewed antonyms, learned about similes, and practiced reading comprehension. They also read more about Baptism in religion. In math they are learning about and practicing bar models. In addition, they completed the Math Dibels Assessment.
Because of the long weekend coming up, there are no new spelling words this week.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Harvest Fest Preorder Form
*Class sponsored Booths *Games *Prizes *Pumpkin Contest Display*Face Painting *Cake Walk *Photo Booth *Dad’s Dunk Tank *Music and Dancing*Obstacles *Inflatables *Rockwall *Food *Popcorn *Refreshments & more!
Entrance Fee: $20 per Family* (prepaid via FACTS)
Bring your family for dinner; proceeds go towards the 8th Grade Mission Trip!
Proceeds from bottled water and glow sticks goes towards Student Leadership & K-5th grade retreats.
Entrance Fee and Food Preorders
Please return this form to the school BY OCTOBER 20, 2015
Entrance fee: $20 per family (Please include accurate number of people attending as wrist bands will be distributed prior to the event. This will allow for a quicker check-in the night of Harvest.)
Family Name: ___________________________ Number Attending: __________________
Contact phone: _________________________ Email: ________________________________
Number of pre-ordered pizzas _______ Qty x $10 = $________.
Bean Burro ______ Qty x $5 = $_______ Beef & Green Chile Burro ______ Qty x $5 = $_______
Total Amount to be Charged to my FACTS Account (on 10-20-15): $20 + ________= ________
(Family fee) + (food)
__________________________________ __________________
(Signature) (Date)
*This is a community event for our families and is not intended as a fundraiser for the school. The entrance fee is our best effort to keep up with costs on this popular school wide event.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Here is the link if you would like to sign up for the 2B booth at the harvest Festival. Remember you must be up to date in your safe environment status to participate.
Today students completed regrouping from hundreds, tens and ones.
In social studies, we reviewed information about communities. Today is the busy day in 2B with music, PE, Mass, and Atrium.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
This Friday, Oct. 9, 2015 Happenings
Friday will be a very busy day on campus and a great day to participate in all we have going on to show our Saint John XXIII Pride!
First of all we have:
Saint John XXIII Community Day at Someburros!!
Join us on Friday from 9am to 9pm at Someburros!! Thursday all students will be bringing home 3 vouchers. The vouchers will be in your mailbox Thursday morning for you to hand out prior to dismissal on Thursday. Students, teachers and their families can use them for breakfast,head over with the kids for lunch after Friday dismissal and/or stop in for dinner!! Have dad buy lunch for the office or mom can even start there for a moms night out! Call ahead for drive through pick up or eat in! All you need to do when you order is to hand in a voucher when you pay. All proceeds earned from Someburros night will benefit our Saint John XXIII Community events.
Here is the coupons for Someburros: Someburro coupons
Here is the coupons for Someburros: Someburro coupons
Friday will also be
Shoes for Shoes
Saint John XXIII Catholic School Community has been called to help our neighbors. Children in a neighboring school are in need of gently used and in good condition shoes (preferably tennis shoes) so that they can attend school with dignity and pride and a nice and comfortable pair of shoes....something we so often take for granted.
On Friday, those students who bring in a pair of gently used school appropriate closed toes shoes to donate will be able to wear their own tennis shoes of their choice .If they don"t have any gently used shoes to donate… they can bring in $2... All $$ collected will go towards the purchase of children's shoes!
Last of all…Friday is PRIDE DAY AT 11:15 AND Spirit shirt day!
Monday, October 5, 2015
Today students participated in the vision and hearing screening. They also went to Music.
In language, students learned about drawing conclusions, along with reviewing the short and long U sounds. In math they finished up regrouping with hundreds and tens.
In social studies, studies learned about community laws, being a good citizen, how transportation and communication has changed from long age to now.
This Friday is Pride Day and bring gently used tennis shoes and wear your favorite tennis shoes to school. If you don't have gently used tennis shoes, you can bring in $2.00 and wear your favorite tennis shoes.
The 4th grade will also be collecting new socks of all sizes for the October.
In language, students learned about drawing conclusions, along with reviewing the short and long U sounds. In math they finished up regrouping with hundreds and tens.
In social studies, studies learned about community laws, being a good citizen, how transportation and communication has changed from long age to now.
This Friday is Pride Day and bring gently used tennis shoes and wear your favorite tennis shoes to school. If you don't have gently used tennis shoes, you can bring in $2.00 and wear your favorite tennis shoes.
The 4th grade will also be collecting new socks of all sizes for the October.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Today students did attend Mass. They were pretty well-behaved. Thank goodness it is the end of the month. Our worship aides have seen better days.
In language, we began a new unit about how things grow and change. The new story is "The Tiny Seed" by Eric Carle. His website is fun to look at and see how he makes his illustrations. Our class will be making our own story about a tiny seed and where it goes and what it does. They will also be using tissue paper to illustrate their page.
In addition, they will be writing "How to Make ____" story complete with pictures. The text feature they learned about is a diagram with pictures and words.
In math, subtraction with regrouping was practiced and they seem to get it. Tomorrow they will learn regrouping from tens and hundreds.
In language, we began a new unit about how things grow and change. The new story is "The Tiny Seed" by Eric Carle. His website is fun to look at and see how he makes his illustrations. Our class will be making our own story about a tiny seed and where it goes and what it does. They will also be using tissue paper to illustrate their page.
In addition, they will be writing "How to Make ____" story complete with pictures. The text feature they learned about is a diagram with pictures and words.
In math, subtraction with regrouping was practiced and they seem to get it. Tomorrow they will learn regrouping from tens and hundreds.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
This morning we spent learning to subtract with regrouping,a.k.a., borrowing. Most finally got it. I will be working with those who did not understand tomorrow.
In language, students took the Unit assessment for unit 1. It did take the whole rest of the day.
In religion, students completed the chapters 1-4 quiz.
Friday there will be a school-wide Rosary, as October is the month of the Rosary. It will begin at 11:45.
In language, students took the Unit assessment for unit 1. It did take the whole rest of the day.
In religion, students completed the chapters 1-4 quiz.
Friday there will be a school-wide Rosary, as October is the month of the Rosary. It will begin at 11:45.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Today we finished up the ITBS testing and the Dibels assessment. We should be back to normal next week.
I have attached the link for the school supplies drive video of the 2nd grade.
2nd Grade School Supply Drive Video
I have attached the link for the school supplies drive video of the 2nd grade.
2nd Grade School Supply Drive Video
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Congratulations to 2B for completing 10,000 problems on! Keep up the great work!
Wednesdays are spent at Mass, music, PE and then Atrium. In between, time was spent working on ITBS listening and language sections. After lunch students corrected their math tests from Monday.
Tomorrow the math sections will be completed. Students are pretty tired after testing so we have kept the week light. Homework is very light and fun!
Wednesdays are spent at Mass, music, PE and then Atrium. In between, time was spent working on ITBS listening and language sections. After lunch students corrected their math tests from Monday.
Tomorrow the math sections will be completed. Students are pretty tired after testing so we have kept the week light. Homework is very light and fun!
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Just a reminder that because of the ITBS testing this week there will not be a language grid or any spelling words. As a result, there will not be a spelling test next Tuesday!
Today was the beginning of the ITBS testing. We were able to complete the vocabulary, word analysis and reading sections of the test. Tomorrow will be the listening and language sections.
Students also took their spelling test, and other weekly assessments.
In math, we reviewed subtraction. Then we reviewed using addition to check subtraction.They seem to be enjoying writing in their math journals.
Happy Tuesday!
Today was the beginning of the ITBS testing. We were able to complete the vocabulary, word analysis and reading sections of the test. Tomorrow will be the listening and language sections.
Students also took their spelling test, and other weekly assessments.
In math, we reviewed subtraction. Then we reviewed using addition to check subtraction.They seem to be enjoying writing in their math journals.
Happy Tuesday!
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Today was a very busy day! Students were able to sit with their buddies.
When they returned, they listened to our new story about a deaf girl who is like all other girls except she uses sign language. In math, students regrouped from tens to hundreds.
They had music, PE, and Atrium. See we were really busy!
When they returned, they listened to our new story about a deaf girl who is like all other girls except she uses sign language. In math, students regrouped from tens to hundreds.
They had music, PE, and Atrium. See we were really busy!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
All went well for picture day. Everyone stayed neat and tidy.
In math, students did a great job regrouping in addition. It is homework tonight.
In language, students completed the weekly assessments, including the spelling and dictation tests. Students also worked in the ITBS practice test booklets.
In religion, we began discussing Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
It looks like we are drying out from all the rain last night. Not too many students made it into water or puddles. Phew!
In math, students did a great job regrouping in addition. It is homework tonight.
In language, students completed the weekly assessments, including the spelling and dictation tests. Students also worked in the ITBS practice test booklets.
In religion, we began discussing Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
It looks like we are drying out from all the rain last night. Not too many students made it into water or puddles. Phew!
Monday, September 14, 2015
Tomorrow is picture day. Please wear your uniforms.
Please note: Students should be completing at 10 minutes a night of math and at least 10 minutes of Raz Kids in addition to other books. I do get weekly reports from IXL and I assign 10 points for students who have worked on IXL. I will be assigning points for Raz Kids, too.
Students were busy working on different centers and review activities during language as the Dibels were being assessed.
In math, students learned and practiced regrouping in addition. You can expect some addition regrouping for homework.
Today was an Atrium day and we also went to Adoration.
Students should remember to have their agendas at school everyday, especially on Mondays.
Please note: Students should be completing at 10 minutes a night of math and at least 10 minutes of Raz Kids in addition to other books. I do get weekly reports from IXL and I assign 10 points for students who have worked on IXL. I will be assigning points for Raz Kids, too.
Students were busy working on different centers and review activities during language as the Dibels were being assessed.
In math, students learned and practiced regrouping in addition. You can expect some addition regrouping for homework.
Today was an Atrium day and we also went to Adoration.
Students should remember to have their agendas at school everyday, especially on Mondays.
As You Wish letter
A letter from AS YOU Wish...
Good morning parents,
Thank you for registering your children for our Fall Session of As You Wish After-School Enrichment classes. We have so many exciting projects planned, and we can't wait to begin!
We have always reached our minimum number of registered students to hold our class, but this year we are extremely shy of that number. We currently have four students enrolled, and unless we can raise that number to ten, we will have to cancel our session.
Please help us out by telling your friends, other moms, other dads, tell everybody!!!
I can wait until midnight on Tuesday, and then I will be in touch with Mrs. Miller first thing on Wednesday morning. If we need to cancel class, please be prepared to make other arrangements for your children. The "Grilled Cheese" plates that were painted in our first class will be delivered to the school for you to pick up on Wednesday if class is cancelled.
Full refunds may be requested through the school.
Thank you again for your ongoing support. I do hope to see all of your children (plus a few new additions) in class next Wednesday! All newly enrolled students will be given the missed assignment to paint at their convenience.
Creatively yours,
Thea Schaeffer
As You Wish
Community Outreach Specialist
(602) 810-8824
Thank you for registering your children for our Fall Session of As You Wish After-School Enrichment classes. We have so many exciting projects planned, and we can't wait to begin!
We have always reached our minimum number of registered students to hold our class, but this year we are extremely shy of that number. We currently have four students enrolled, and unless we can raise that number to ten, we will have to cancel our session.
Please help us out by telling your friends, other moms, other dads, tell everybody!!!
I can wait until midnight on Tuesday, and then I will be in touch with Mrs. Miller first thing on Wednesday morning. If we need to cancel class, please be prepared to make other arrangements for your children. The "Grilled Cheese" plates that were painted in our first class will be delivered to the school for you to pick up on Wednesday if class is cancelled.
Full refunds may be requested through the school.
Thank you again for your ongoing support. I do hope to see all of your children (plus a few new additions) in class next Wednesday! All newly enrolled students will be given the missed assignment to paint at their convenience.
Creatively yours,
Thea Schaeffer
As You Wish
Community Outreach Specialist
(602) 810-8824

Friday, September 11, 2015
Happy Pride Day! The theme for Pride Days this year is "Learning about the Apostles". Today students wrote some classroom rules. They also created a KWL chart, listing what they know about the Apostles, what they want to learn about the Apostles, and at the end of the year they will express what they have learned about the Apostles. They also watched some fun videos about the Apostles.
It appears that Crazy Socks Day was a success. There were lots of fun socks worn today.
In language, we reviewed parts of a letter and students finished up writing about a friend.
In math, students practiced math facts and corrected their quizzes from earlier this week.
Students were also able to go to PE in the morning.
Don't forget picture day is Tuesday in uniforms. Book orders are due by this Wednesday.
Happy Friday!
It appears that Crazy Socks Day was a success. There were lots of fun socks worn today.
In language, we reviewed parts of a letter and students finished up writing about a friend.
In math, students practiced math facts and corrected their quizzes from earlier this week.
Students were also able to go to PE in the morning.
Don't forget picture day is Tuesday in uniforms. Book orders are due by this Wednesday.
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Today students met their 6th grade prayer buddies. They walked over to Mass with them and sat with them during Mass.
When we came back students practiced using place value blocks to add without regrouping. They also learned how to write number sentences in their math journal. The math journals were turned to the holes in the notebook are on top and the notebook is lengthwise with the blue lines being vertical. This is a trick to keep the numbers between the blue lines so the numbers underneath line up properly. This way when they are adding the ones are in line, as are the tens and hundreds. They were so excited to work in their math journals.
In language students are reading about firefighters. They read about Smoky the Bear today, as we discussed the vocabulary words.
Students went to Atrium. Those that stayed with me worked on ITBS language practice tests, they also explored the ipad apps. In addition, I have begun the Dibels testing.
Don't forget the school supplies and Friday is a buck for crazy socks and Pride shirt day. It is also Pride Day.
When we came back students practiced using place value blocks to add without regrouping. They also learned how to write number sentences in their math journal. The math journals were turned to the holes in the notebook are on top and the notebook is lengthwise with the blue lines being vertical. This is a trick to keep the numbers between the blue lines so the numbers underneath line up properly. This way when they are adding the ones are in line, as are the tens and hundreds. They were so excited to work in their math journals.
In language students are reading about firefighters. They read about Smoky the Bear today, as we discussed the vocabulary words.
Students went to Atrium. Those that stayed with me worked on ITBS language practice tests, they also explored the ipad apps. In addition, I have begun the Dibels testing.
Don't forget the school supplies and Friday is a buck for crazy socks and Pride shirt day. It is also Pride Day.
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