Thursday, August 30, 2012


Today in religion students learned that the Blessed Trinity is one of the "mysteries" of the Church. We will wrap the chapter tomorrow.
Students also began using the Sitton spelling. They sorted short vowels.
In reading students listened to the story, "David's New Friend". Students made some story predictions. They also were able to identify the main character and his feelings. They were also able to identify the setting in the story. We also worked on the story vocabulary and did some more phonics.
There was a fire drill in the middle of math this afternoon. This actually worked out great because we were able to talk about staying safe which works into our health science unit, and then they went to PE. After PE students worked in the germs packet.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


2B mass behavior was awesome. They were quiet and so reverent.
Students started their first story in the reading series.We reviewed short vowels, character and setting and we reviewed the story vocabulary words that will be part of the weekly spelling list. The other part of the spelling list will be high frequency words used in spelling.
In math students practiced math fluency by playing a math facts game with cards. Then they were given quiz 1. This will be sent home after it has been corrected.
In science we discussed how germs spread when we sneeze. We did a little experiment with a spray bottle filled with water. I sprayed a mist and asked if they could feel it. This represented a sneeze not covered up.
Then I used a tissue and my elbow to demonstrate how important it is to cover your mouth when you sneeze.

Homeroom Parent

I am in need of a Homeroom Parent Volunteer. I got the sign up sheets after Orientation so parents weren't able to sign up. The sign up sheets are up on my door for anyone to sign up for all school volunteer opportunities. Please email me if you would like to be a homeroom parent.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Today we began learning about the Blessed Trinity in religion. We talked about how St. Patrick used a shamrock to demonstrate the Trinity.
In language students we read "The Bremen Town Musicians" and we discussed characters discussing if they were real or fiction and why. Students were also given new spelling words. They are written in their agendas. spelling tests will be given on Tuesdays. New stories will be started on Wednesdays.

I also gave them the Homework reading Grid. There are 9 activities listed. This week they only need to complete 3. I have also posted this on the website. This Grid will change with each reading story weekly. It will be given out on Monday and due on Friday. These activities can be done on any paper and multiple activities can be done on the same paper.
In math we are working on fact fluency and starting to solve problems mentally.

2nd grade gift basket

The 2nd grade theme basket for the Auction is LEGOS. Please bring in a LEGO themed toy, gift card, etc.
They will be stored in 2B until the basket is assembled.

School Volunteers/update

The sign up sheets for volunteer opportunities throughout the school and the school year are located in front of my classroom.

Yesterday in religion students took their first religion quiz. This will be coming home today. I will send home quizzes in religion and math along with the Weekly Assessment in language.
In science we watched Mrs. Frizzle in the Magic School Bus Ralphie gets Sick. Students learned more about germs.
In math students continued to work on place value and writing number words.
In language students continued a review of short vowels and we are also working on character, setting, and the author's purpose.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Today students went to Music for the first time. They really enjoyed the class. They also had an extended PE time. Every Thursday they get a 45 minute PE class. It takes place in the gym.
In religion we talked about who God is, where He lives, and that He always loves us.
In reading students were read, "The Lion and the Mouse" and Aesop's fable. We discussed character and setting. We also talked about the beginning, middle, and end of a story.
We also brainstormed ideas for a class story about the first day of school.
In math we worked on writing number words and different ways of saying the same number.
In science we are talking about germs and we looked at the website, Scrub Club, for the 5 steps to hand washing. The site is

Remember tomorrow is the Friday, 1:20 dismissal.

2nd grade Class Basket letter

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Today we had our first Mass of the year. Students were well behaved and sang beautifully.
We are still having lunch and lunch recess inside for a few more days.
Students are still having a short outdoor recess in the morning. They are drinking lots of water.
Wow! Everyone remembered their snacks today. Good job!

In math we are reviewing place value with tens and ones, along with remembering different ways of saying the same number using number bonds.
Students set up their binders for the year. They did an excellent job with the labels. They already have a math journal and an enrichment packet in the math section. it will be filling up soon.

Students did an excellent remembering to bring their agendas and home folders back today.
Remember Family Bingo Night is this Friday.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Day of School

What a wonderful class! We were so busy getting to know the classroom routine and one another. Students did an awesome job writing in their agendas for the very first time. They also have adjusted to having desks instead of cubbies in 1st grade.
They went to PE and met the new PE teacher, Mrs. Richardson. Students had an outdoor morning recess and were inside for lunch and lunch recess. The new students were partnered with other students to show them around. We also took a short tour of the school.
In religion we talked about God as our Father and I read them the story, Just the Way You are . We also talked about how we are all special and that God loves us just the way we are.
In reading and math students took inventories to see what they remember from last year.
Tomorrow will be a Mass day.
Don't forget to send in snacks even if students have hot lunch. They are getting a little hungry by 10:00.
Please continue to send in water bottles with your child. They are much happier when they are hydrated.