Friday, March 30, 2012

Weekly Assignment Sheet- Week of April 2-6, 2012

Remember to bring in your t-shirt to tye dye when we come back from Spring Break
Monday: Reading 10 minutes a day 
Art      Practice math facts
Tuesday: Read 10 minutes a day
Spanish   Practice math facts
PE        Math homework-due
Wednesday:     Read 10 minutes a day
1:30 Dismissal   Practice math facts
 No Enrichment  12:45 Mercy of the Divine Chaplet   
Thursday:     Read 10 minutes a day
 Music         Practice math facts
Holy Thursday- No School               
Friday: Read 10 minutes a day
 PE     Practice math facts
Good Friday- No School

Coming Up:  April16- School Resumes                                                                                                                                                                          April 17- 2nd grade Retreat                                                        April 20-Casino Night for parents                                                   April 23-27- Poetry Contest                                                             April 27- Field Day

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Don't forget tomorrow is a 12:00 Dismissal. that is an 11:50 dismissal for grades Kindergarten-2nd grade.

Today we discussed the Sacrament of Penance and we worked on door decorations for a visitor that is coming to on Monday. Students wrote about  Faith, Service and Academics here at Bl.  Pope John XXIII.
In math we worked on interval times. They really seemed to understand.
In language we began a new story called "Mice and Beans". Students will compare and contrast reality and fantasy in the story.
In computers students are creating a flyer for language arts. Since Field Day is coming soon they are writing about it. They are including some details and voice in their flyer.
We also changed desks this afternoon. They will probably change again depending on how they behave.
I may need to put them in rows so they pay more attention.

Honey Baked Ham orders are due tomorrow, Friday, March 30, 2012.


T-Shirts Needed by 4/4 for Field Day
·        Provide a white, cotton t-shirt, new or used.  No tank tops please.
·        Mark your child’s name with a sharpie, clearly on the collar of the shirt, and send it in a large zip lock bag to your homeroom.
Volunteers and staff all wear shirts tie-dyed in HOPE green in memory of Nicky Maillard.  Volunteers/Staff can bring in your t-shirts and place in the ‘Volunteer/Staff’ box by Wednesday, April 4th.  We will tie-dye them for you and you can pick them up in the office by Friday, April 20th.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Today in religion we reviewed what sin is, and what we need to do to be forgiven by God. We also reviewed the Ten Commandments.
In language arts students worked on pen pal letters. They finished up work in their reading packet. We learned what personification and imagery are. We also went to the library and had art.
In math we are learning about time.

Our retreat is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17th. More details are attached to this week's assignment sheet. A permission slip is also included. Please return as soon as possible. There is no charge for the retreat.

Please remember to send in water bottles with your child. It is getting warm again. Staying hydrated is important in learning. Yes, with all the water they will drink, I will let them use the restroom.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Assignment Sheet for March 26-30, 2012

Weekly Assignment Sheet

Monday: Reading 10 minutes a day 
Art      Practice math facts
Tuesday: Read 10 minutes a day
Spanish   Practice math facts
PE        The Farmer’s Trip homework-due
Wednesday:     Read 10 minutes a day
1:30 Dismissal   Practice math facts
                   Problem Solving #10 math homework-due                 
Thursday:     Read 10 minutes a day
 Music         Practice math facts
                Time math homework-due
Friday: Read 10 minutes a day
 PE     Practice math facts
         Spelling homework-due
12:00 Dismissal

Coming Up:  April 4-Divine Mercy Chaplet 12:45 No enrichment                                                                                                                                                              

             April 5-15- Easter Break No school
             April16- School Resumes
                       Bring a t-shirt to tie-dye
             April 20-Casino Night for parents
             April 23-27- Poetry Contest
             April 27- Field Day


Today we wrote to our pen pals at St. Gregory's School.
We also reviewed compound words and hard/ soft C and G.
In grammar we reviewed contractions and possessive pronouns. Students also wrote thank you notes to Desert  Center @ Pinnacle Peak.
In math we had our weekly time test and I had math centers for them.
In the afternoon students had some PE time and we ended the day with Stations of the Cross.

12th Station acted by 2B

Stations of the Cross

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Book Talks

These are the wonderful Book Talks each student made.


Please look for report cards in your student's home folder.
On Monday with the assignment sheets I will have attached the forms for our retreat on Tuesday, April 17, 2012. It is the Tuesday after Easter Vacation. Please return the permission slips promptly. There is no cost to you.

Also, our class will be tye dying t-shirts for Field Day on Monday, April 16, 2012. It is the Monday after break. Feel free to start sending in a t-shirt in a ziploc bag with your child's name and classroom. I can store them in the classroom.

Today students worked on thank you letters to the Desert Center. They also worked on vocabulary, phonics and comprehension.
In math we completed some math sprints and students corrected work and then went to math centers.
In religion students went to Adoration. They certainly enjoy going and ask to go every week.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Today we went to Mass.
Students took their unit assessment in math.
We spent the rest of the day listening to wonderful Book Talks. There are lots of trivia games this time. These games sure kept the students engaged in the summaries.
Please look for report cards tomorrow. Please sign and return the envelopes promptly. You can keep the report card copies.

Monday, March 19, 2012


What a blustery day this was!
Today we started a new story in reading about the moon. We will also be working on hard/soft C and hard/soft G. We will also be working on comparing and contrasting with what we can observe just from looking at the moon and what we observed from being on the moon.
In math we are finishing up fractions.

Tomorrow is the field trip to Desert Center @ Pinnacle Peak. Please have your child wear a sweater. We will be inside for about an 30 minutes and outside for about 90 minutes. The weather is supposed to be warmer. Also, students may bring a camera. However, I am not responsible it is lost.
Remember a water bottle with your child's name on it. Wear a hat and sunscreen. We will be back for lunch.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Assignment Sheet for March 19-23

Week of __Mar.19-23 2012

Weekly Assignment Sheet

Mar. 19-23 Fine Arts Week
Monday: Reading 10 minutes a day 
Art      Practice math facts
Library  Work on Book Talk
Tuesday: Read 10 minutes a day
Spanish   Practice math facts
PE        Field trip to Desert Center @ Pinnacle Peak
           Be sure to wear sunscreen, a hat, and bring a sweater if it is cold.
           Work on Book Talk
Wednesday:     Read 10 minutes a day
1:30 Dismissal   Practice math facts
                   Spelling homework-due
                   Book Talks -due
Thursday:     Read 10 minutes a day
 Music         Practice math facts
                Math homework-due
Report cards go home.
Friday: Read 10 minutes a day
 PE     Practice math facts
        2:00 Stations of the Cross
Coming Up:  Mar. 30- 12:00 Dismissal


Today we read about St. Patrick and we are finishing up the Stations of the Cross booklet.
In science we learned about the Sonoran Desert and the Saguaro cactus. In math we worked on fractions of a group. It was a green day in our classroom. Happy St. Patrick's Day tomorrow!

Please watch the weather for our field trip on Tuesday. It sounds like it will be a chilly day. So sweaters may be required and please make sure you send in a snack even if your child has hot lunch. They will have their snack before we leave that should hold them until lunch.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


See's Candies order form is due March 23rd, next Friday.
We are in the final stretch. This is the beginning of the 4th quarter. Time to get even more ready for 3rd grade.
In religion I read students a book on the Stations of the Cross.
In language arts students were given the Weekly Assessment, CLOSE test, and the Dictation test. Students also worked on their report on a continent. They reasearched online and created index cards. Now they are working on rough drafts and then final copies.
In math we are continuing with fractions.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Friday is Green Accessory Day

Celebrate the Irish in you!
Whether you are Irish by birth, or just feel it in your heart – wear green this Friday to honor our favorite Irish saint – St. Patrick!
Students may wear green accessories on Friday.  This includes undershirts, belts, socks, hair accessories, bracelets, necklaces, and hats.  This does not include hair color (even temporary), dangling earrings, or shoes


Don't forget the Father Daughter Dance is this Friday night. Don't forget to turn in your reservation and money.
Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend.
Today in religion we read about the Prodigal Son and we watched a short video on the story.
We also talked about sin and that God is always ready to forgive us as long as we are sorry.
In reading students listened to a story called "Kate and the Beanstalk". We discussed the genre. What makes it a fantasy story. We also summarized the story and talked about the author's purpose.
In math we worked on ordering fractions. This is hard because it works opposite. The higher the denominator, the smaller the piece. The smaller the denominator, the bigger the piece. For example, 1/2 is larger than 1/10.

In the week's homework packet, please find the field trip permission slip with information about our field trip to Desert Center @ Pinnacle Peak, March 20. We will be eating lunch at school that day. We do have our chaperones for this trip. The permission slip and money are due this Friday. Rain or shine we will be going.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Assignment Sheet for March 12-16, 2012

Week of __Mar.12-16, 2012

Weekly Assignment Sheet


Monday: Reading 10 minutes a day 
Art      Practice math facts
Library  NO SCHOOL
Tuesday: Read 10 minutes a day
Spanish   Practice math facts
PE         End of the 3rd Quarter
Wednesday:     Read 10 minutes a day
1:30 Dismissal   Practice math facts
                   Spelling homework-due

Thursday:     Read 10 minutes a day
 Music         Practice math facts
                Math homework-due
Friday: Read 10 minutes a day
 PE     Practice math facts
Field trip permission slip and money due

Coming Up: Mar. 19-23 Fine Arts Week

            Mar. 20- Field trip to Desert Center @ Pinnacle Peak

            Mar. 22- Report cards go home
            Mar. 23- Stations of the Cross 2:00 pm
            Mar. 30- 12:00 Dismissal


I hope you all have a terrific long weekend!

Today students worked very hard completing stories for the PBS writing contest. I did send an email and printed entry forms and information about the contest. This is not mandatory. The contest deadline is Friday, March 16, so stories will be finished and mailed on March 14th.

In math students did a wonderful job working with fractions.
In reading students read a story called "The Ugly Vegetables". They were able to complete a story sequence graphic organizer by themselves. They are getting ready for 3rd grade.

In computers they worked with partners finding facts online about a continent of their choice. They put their facts on index cards and next  week they will write a report on a continent.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Today students completed their work on in language arts on Columbus. We will start a new story tomorrow called "The Ugly Vegetables". Students completed the Weekly Assessment. They are beginning to read these by themselves as this is how tests are given in 3rd grade. They did a really good job. they do need to remember to read the questions carefully.
In math students continue to work on fractions. Students were given a quiz on halves and quarters and some missed answers because they did not listen or read the questions properly.
They also had Spanish and PE this afternoon.
Tomorrow is Mass day and the regular 1:30 dismissal.
Remember Friday and Monday there is no school.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Today students watched a slideshow on the Stations of the Cross and they worked in their Stations of the Cross Booklet.
In math we started fractions. We started with one half and one fourth.
In language arts we finished up our unit on Columbus.

I sent home Book Talk information for the next Book Talk. Please try to select books in your child's AR range. If your child has their heart set on a book, let me know. I will approve books that are close to the AR range. I prefer their choices are a little harder than easier.

I have also sent home a Parent Conference form. Please know Spring Conferences are optional. I have circled whether or not I need to have a conference with you. Parents may circle if they would like a conference, then I will schedule a conference and send the slip home with a day and time.

Please know that any parent requests for 3rd grade at just that. There are no promises made. We are looking to make the best classes for next year and in order to do this we may not honor your request.

Assignment Sheet for March 5-9, 2012

Week of __Mar 5-9, 2012

Weekly Assignment Sheet

Monday: Reading 10 minutes a day 
Art      Practice math facts
Tuesday: Read 10 minutes a day
Spanish   Practice math facts
PE        Code Breaker math homework due
Wednesday:     Read 10 minutes a day
1:30 Dismissal   Practice math facts
                   Moon Talk homework-due
Thursday:     Read 10 minutes a day
 Music         Practice math facts
                Shop ‘Til You Drop homework-due
Friday: Read 10 minutes a day
 PE     Practice math facts
NO SCHOOL       

Coming Up: Mar. 13- 3rd Quarter ends
            Mar. 19-23 Fine Arts Week
            Mar. 20- Field trip to Desert Center @ Pinnacle Peak
            Mar. 21- Book Talks due
            Mar. 22- Report cards go home
            Mar. 23- Stations of the Cross 2:00 pm
            Mar. 30- 12:00 Dismissal

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Reminder: the Father/Daughter Dance is on Friday, March 16, 2012. There is a flyer with a reservation form on the front page of the school website.
Students with coughs may bring in cough drops and they will be kept in the nurse's office and distributed by Mrs. Sirven. I also have students drink lots of water and limit their recess activity by limiting their running around. This seems to keep them more comfortable in the classroom.
In math we are reviewing adding and subtracting money.
In computers students finished writing plays with a partner. Although the plays were short, students understood the format. Those who finished shared them with the class.
In religion we watched a short video on the Miracles of Jesus.
In reading today we talked about main idea and detail. We also read an interesting article on Mount Everest and how dangerous it is to climb.